Eyes that cry bloody tears

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*looks up, eyes squinted.* God, that is such an edgy title. Who could've wrote that? 

apologies for the wait, I've just been incredibly unmotivated to write this book lately + been getting sick multiple times in a row- my health has been flip-flopping and its getting annoying. not discontinuing this book tho as I know some ppl are worried about that. We're so close to the finale, (and even if we weren't it'd be a crime to do so too) so do not worry!  



Fanfic Creator BluePerish has made a fanfiction for Arena AU (with my permission ofc). Yes. a Fanfic of a Fanfic. And I just wanna say, if you got the time PLEASE read this book. Perhaps even reading it before reading this chapter. Because this book is so good, and despite there only being the prologue right now at the time of writing this the prologue GOES HARD. I haven't physically gasped and dropped my jaw at words on a screen, nevertheless the prologue of all chapters, until I read blue's work. 

first chapter in and already better than my book's beginning, great god. seriously, go look at it. if not now, later. (the book has a TW for cursing and gore so be careful tho) 


Eight tugged on his chains, rather weakly as he was losing the strength to do so, however. It was hard to put a lot of strength into really anything when you were starving. This was supposedly day 3 without even a scrap of food he believes and Eight wasn't feeling too good. He wondered if he was ever going to be fed anything or if he was just left to die here.

Though if the latter was the case, why would they give him water? To draw out his death? Or was it that they were taking pity on him in his initial days?- Or did that 'Kai' person sneak in to give him something just as a one-time thing in order to motivate him to talk? Whatever it was, Eight certainly wouldn't figure out the answer at this point in time.

Tired, Eight just flopped onto the ground- Quickly regretting that as he had just fallen against the hard metal floor, proving to be a quite painful hit. The boy scrambled up, holding his chin in pain as his jaw got the bulk of the hit. Mumbling something inaudible, Eight looked over to the side; Searching for the rat that was always in the room with him.

Eight hadn't been able to properly befriend the rat like he wanted to yesterday. The rodent was just too afraid of him to interact. But he would talk to it like it could understand him. Like it was his buddy. So an improper befriend, he guesses.

Though he wishes he could legitimately tame the critter. It'd be nice to have a pet rat, he always wanted a pet. Though there was nothing to actually tame it with, there was no food to offer and even if there was food he'd eat it himself. He was starving...

...He was starving, his stomach gave him reminders he was starving every other minute with its pleading growls. Stop it, body. He knows he's starving, it's not like he can do something about it.

It's okay, he's tolerant, back in the Pale City he got used to starving. Eight knows he can survive a good while without food. And he's sure he'll either get food or escape far before he faces deadly starvation.

Eight stretched once the pain of falling against the floor faded, he took some deep breaths before going back to trying to tug on the chain. Pulling with as much strength as he could manage.


Mono rested on the wooden ledge, comfortably lying down on his side whilst listening in to the conversation going on beneath him.

Ghost had been incredibly boastful all morning, bragging that he won the race back to the vent in The Depths last night. Mono hadn't told him that he had purposely slowed down once he began overtaking him in their race just so Ghost could have the feeling of winning, and Mono would never admit it to him- He wants him to have his moment.

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