Exploration and Snowy Days

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We got a winter theme, do y'all know what that means? Are y'all 'bout to learn what month it is in Arena AU? :)

Also, this chapter was a collaborative project! Me and my sister worked on this together and so now I got somebody to help me with these chapters. :D and the Grammar is probably 10x better now. 

My sister told me the grammarly correct way to do inner thoughts is none-bolded italics so now we're changing the thoughts to italics for now on, but if you guys want us to go back to bold we will.

Just say something about it. if most of you guys want us to go back to bold we will. Like a voting thing.

Also, so far this might be the most calmest chapter I've/We've written so far.


Days passed, Six's arm was healed and she had been working on their escape plan. She was working on the vent thing, eventually she got a plan.

Break off the vent and explore inside.

Learn the ventilation system and which vents lead to which view so we can break all the children out or even visit.

When returning to our cell, make sure to put the vent duct back on so none of the staff knows we went into the vent.

They just needed to figure out how to put the vent duct back on. It wouldn't be easy to figure that out since the vent is on the ceiling and screwed to the wall.

3:00 AM

All of the children were on Mono's ledge, trying to open the vent.

"Okay; Idea. What if we pull off the screws and catch the vent duct on Mono's ledge. Also, put the screws on his ledge," Six explained. "And when we want to put it back on, we stand on each other? Look. It sounds like it won't work, but when we actually do it, it will."

"I mean, we're at the time of the day where the staff doesn't check on us for a few hours. So, even if we mess up, we have a lot of time to fix it," Six added on.

"And if we can't, we can just escape out the vent and wander around the ventilation system," One included.

"Perhaps," Mono contemplated.

"Well, let's do this," Six said.

The children jumped and pulled off the screws. After jumping and grabbing onto a screw, they were no longer over the ledge. They pulled the screws out and fell past the ledge, hitting the ground. However, they weren't that injured. They landed on their backsides which only hurt for a few minutes.

However, Mono and Six didn't jump because their roles were to catch the duct vent.

Once the last screw was removed, the vent duct swung open but remained intact due to the back screws.

"Oh! Oh this makes it much easier. We don't need to somehow hold the vent duct up. It'll still be attached to the vent," Six said. "We just need to somehow figure out how to put the screws back in."

"Alright, less talking and more doing. I want to get out of here," One said as he climbed onto Mono's ledge.

One jumped onto the loose vent duct, using the holes as a ladder to climb up.

"It's dark up here!" One said. "And windy!"

"Yeah, no crap. You think there's going to be lights up there? And of course it's windy, it's a vent!" Mono replied sarcastically before following One up the vent.

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