Mono's Story

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10:55 AM -

The daytime battle had finished. However, there'll be another one in the late afternoon.

Children were being brought back to their cages in a cart being pushed by Chef 1, though being pushed by him isn't too common- far from common actually.

All the children were in tiny carrier crate cages stacked ontop of eachother inside the cart.

Seven and Six were right next to each other in their cages. They were on the very bottom of the cart.

"So, you're the almighty Brutus?" Seven asked a bit jokingly, scooting over to the bars of the cage to be closer with Six.

"Ha. No. Brutus isn't my real name, it's Six." She responded.

"Oh wow." He said.

"What?" Six asked. "Is Six a weird name to you?"

"My name is Seven and your name is Six. What are those odds?" Seven said.

"Huh. I would say low but I've met a far share of number-named children in my life," Six said, "So I would say a bit lower than common."

Seven nodded.

The Chef grabbed Six and Seven's cages.

-Six POV-

We were lifted up and put into a barely lit jail cell with multiple other children. Our cages were still slow.

The Chef opened our cages' doors and dumped us out the empty cage back into The Cart. The Chef closed and locked the cell's door before leaving.

The floor was made out of metal and seeing there was no short of heater, the floor was very cold to the touch. The walls were made of metal too and also quite cold.

The cell in here wasn't that big. Around 5 or 6 feet wide and long at best, but it could be worse. 

I looked up, there seemed to be a wooden ledge above us. The Ledge looked pretty old and damaged but somewhat sturdy. This seemed to be the only cage that had this. I know this because while we were being pushed in the cart I was able to look at the other cages, none of them had a ledge.

There were three other kids in the cell with us. The three kids came over to me in interest.

One kid was a White Girl wearing a light green cloak. She had long brown hair that was surprisingly not tangled at all for the living conditions. Half of her face was covered by shadows.

Another Kid. He wears a black shirt and pants. over, which he wears a brown traveling raincoat with a hood. He has black hair too.

Last Kid. There was a white kid with a dark blue shirt and dark jeans.

Seven pointed to the white kid with a dark blue shirt and dark jeans. "That's my brother, Eight."

"Half-Brother." Eight corrected him.

Seven pointed to the long haired child wearing a light green cloak. "That's Two."

Seven pointed to the kid with a brown traveling raincoat with a hood. "And that's One."

"You're Brutus. I mean, that's your Gladiator Name. But what's your real name?" Eight asked.

"Six" I said.

I heard creaking coming from the wooden ledge above us. I looked up at the ledge.

I thought there were three children in the room with us, I was wrong. There was one more.

A child emerged from the dark corner of the ledge. It was a child wearing a brown paper bag, darker brown shirt and brown torn pants, and also a torn brown trench coat which was lighter than the shirt and pants.

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