help me think guys

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BUT I SWEAR YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET TWO NEW CHAPTERS. A DOUBLE UPLOAD. One is almost done and the other... Not so much- I used to have it halfway done but then I scrapped a lot of scenes and yeah.

"Can you just upload the one you have completed?" I would upload the one I have completed, I really would. But you see. I completed it out of order. Due to a sudden burst of motivation to work on the second new chapter I ended up completing it first. The first new chapter is uncompleted so I can't or else it'll be out of order.

BUT I GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS 👏 What do you guys want as filler stuff? Like, what scenes and interaction you would like to see because honestly I'm stuck when thinking of things for the kids to do to pass the time in the uncompleted chapter. I don't wanna just write a bunch of timeskips.

scenes and interactions must be able to be performed in the cells btw

Since I don't want to leave you guys with absolutely nothing storywise for like the fourth time here's a little canon scene between Cassandra and Mono.

(yes you're getting a fraction of Mono's backstory early bc I feel bad, don't expect anything like this again tho.)


Mono was being taken down the cell hall, his carrier cage rocking side-to-side in the grip of The Hanging Man. The young child pressed up against the bars farthest from The Hanging Man's fingers, which wasn't far at all. Mono shivered in fear, still confused about where he even was in the first place.

You see, about 20 minutes prior to this situation, Mono had just fought in his first gladiator battle- Only arriving at The Maw about 3 hours ago. He was kept separate from the other kids in a cramped cage, stored away in some doctor room.

He was pretty healthy when he got to The Maw, with only four scars on his body and a healthy non-damaged face. But for some reason they kept him in there- Maybe it was a normal thing to go through here in this place.

The battle he had endured was horrifying as well- He almost died! Mono was so confused during it as well, he didn't know why everything that happened did. Especially at the end...

The man carrying him stopped suddenly, Mono was confused until he was turned to face a cell. Then he figured out what was going on.

The Hanging Man opened the cell's door and dumped him inside. Shutting the door with a cling noise rattling throughout the doorframe. He locked the cell door and walked off.

Mono looked around the cell, it was completely empty. The room had a gray cold metal floor and metal walls just as cold as the floor. Strangely enough, there was a wooden platform attached to the back wall above him, too high for him to jump up and reach however.

The cell he was in wasn't too large- about 5 or 6 feet wide and long at best- but he definitely would prefer this over his previous imprisonment.

Mono lied down in the cell, leaning against the left wall of the cell and facing towards the metal bars. He stared out them, the cells across from him deprived of any child. Empty cells.

Mono slowly slid down from his leaning position and onto his side, beginning to fall asleep afterward. He was a bit tired after the fight, he could definitely stay awake longer but sleep was welcomed. There didn't seem like there was anything else to do here besides sleeping anyways.

Mono nearly jumped out of his skin once he heard footsteps from the wooden platform above him, he scampered towards the bars. Pressing his body against the left corner of the bars and trembling in fear.

He stared up at the wooden ledge, fearful of what he was going to see. That's when a kid came into view. A brown-haired girl wearing a yellow raincoat stared down at him, a single long braid sticking out her hood. The braid having a red ribbon bow hair-tie holding it together.

He calmed a bit after learning it was only just another child, but didn't let his guard completely down- They could attack him just in that arena thingy or something!

"Oh, it's you." The girl said, having a bit of a Scottish accent. "The kid from the gladiator fight."

Mono was silent.

"You probably don't know what you're doin' here, right?" The girl asked.

"N-No..." Mono said, slowly shaking his head.

"Of course you don't." She said, "You're in The Maw. A place where they force you to fight other children, sometimes they let you spare kids but other times they force you to kill them."

"Wha..." Mono said, lost for words.

"Now I need to just get this off my chest," She began. "You were absolute trash at fighting, sure you survived and won- miraculously- but cha' did it all wrong-" She dropped off the wooden ledge and landed to the ground, landing perfectly on her feet.

"-Your stances were all off, your punches were weak," She looked towards Mono who was now sitting down in the corner he crammed himself into. "you barely dodged, you didn't attack as soon as your opponent had a good opening- You're trash!"

"Hey, I tried." He huffed.

"What's your name and how old are you?" She asked.

"I'm Mono," He introduced himself. "And I'm 9 years old."

"Well, I'm Cassandra, and being at the old age of 10 years old-"

"You're literally 1 year older than me." Mono pointed out, cutting her off.

"WELL, I'M CASSANDRA, AND BEING AT THE OLD AGE OF 10 YEARS OLD." She repeated herself but much louder this time, putting heavy emphasis on 10 this time. "I'll teach you to fight and not suck. Basically being your guide to this place."

"Well what if I don't want a guide?" Mono asked, crossing his arms.

"Then go die I guess." Cassandra shrugged.

"Wow, rude." Mono commented.

"It's true, if you don't learn the ways to survive here quickly you'll die." Cassandra said.

"How did you learn the ways to survive?" Mono asked, the question prompted by the fact she was all alone in her cell.

"Oh, I learned them all by myself." Cassandra said, not realizing what she just said before it was already out. "wait-"

"Oh cool, so I can learn it myself. Thanks." Mono said, smirking.

"But it was a hard process! Nearly died many times!" Cassandra quickly said, "And you seem as fragile as a hamster, you probably won't make it far without my help."

"Now that's just insulting." Mono said, "I survived the streets of the Pale City all by myself, avoiding the adults and everything! I'm sure I can learn to beat up a few kiddos by myself."

"Yeah but you're going to get pretty hurt in the process doing it without training," Cassandra said. "Come on, I'm giving you a special offer- Not every kid gets this chance!"

"Nope." Mono said.

"Okay, look." Cassandra sighed, "I want to train you because all my previous cellmates died from lack of fighting skills- the workers here just pair me up with all the weak children for some reason. And ya' know I'm kinda tired of having my cellmates dyin' on me."

"So now that information is up in the air, will you please train with me?" Cassandra offered once more, "C'mon, it's a bit lonely in here."

Mono stared at Cassandra, thinking. "Fine..." He said a bit quietly.


wow second view at not-crippled-with-trauma Mono!

idk how many words- around 1000 or something.

anyways seeya when the double upload comes, if everything goes right it should drop this week or sunday.

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