Tricks up my sleeve

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Credit to CaroFB on LN Amino for allowing me to use her Six Headcanon for this book.

aight, let's begin our favorite trama and drama.



5:00 PM

It was still the same day. But it was late Afternoon battle.

I was in the left Battle Enter Cage, sitting in the corner of the cage. Just thinking to myself before this battle began.

Was there really a chance we could actually escape this hell? I thought.

I was forcefully snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the cage's door rise and the Taikos start to play. I scrambled up and hurriedly walked out the Battle Enter cage.

(here's your Taikos once again)

I stood near the center of the Arena as Six emerged from the right Battle Enter Cage.

"Hey." Six said, talking quietly so only I could hear her.

"What?" I whispered back.

"If the story Mono told us is true, then we won't have to kill each other. Only of us will only have to get injured to a point where we cannot fight anymore." Six explained.

"So we'll fight each other but not to death?" I asked.

"Yes. But please be aware that even though you are my friend, I will not go easy on you."

"Okay." I said as I got into a battle stance, ready to strike.

Six nodded and then some black substance started to form around her body?

Then, even more confusing, she disappeared. Only leaving black mist behind where she used to be, the mist disappeared pretty quickly though.

Six can go invisible...

But how did she do that, and where did she go? I looked around with a confused expression on my face. Suddenly I saw Six behind me from the corner of my eye, she grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the ground.

I got up. 'I will not go easy on you' that's bullcrap, she's going easy on me. She could have definitely pinned me down and attacked me. I thought.

Six appeared again- Well I could only see her hand, she scratched my cheek with her surprisingly long nails. Leaving scratches on my face, it was like a minor cat scratch wound on my face.

She's definitely going easy on me... I felt the scratches on my face, strange. I've never had a scratch like these before.

I was distracted. Six took that opportunity to suddenly appear and kick me straight in the stomach, making me fall onto my side with a "hruff!" sound.

"Ow." I coughed, curling up on my side and holding my stomach in pain.

Ugh. It's like I can only see her when she's attacking! I thought as I waited for the pain in my stomach to subside. Wait. I CAN only see her when she's attacking...

"That's it!" I whispered. I got up, with ease since the pain had subsided to be much more bearable. I ignored the remaining pain in my stomach to the best of my abilities as I got into a fighting stance.

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now