Cage Run and A Disease

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Seeing how the discussion went last time, y'all about to have a field day with this chapter. 


5:00 AM

The battles wouldn't start for another few hours.

The cell room was as cold as yesterday, maybe even colder. However, it wasn't really bothering anyone too much besides Two.

"What did you dream about, Eight?" Shadow Six asked Eight.

"Er, I dreamt about these small- smaller than us little white creatures. They had cone heads and loved to be hugged. We played together in my dream. It was really nice," Eight said. "Nicest dream I've had in a while actually."

Two woke up, yawning. She shivered just seconds after waking up. Six looked over at her.

"How are you feeling Two?" Six asked.

"I've been doing better," She replied. "I think the cough might be going away soon. I've been coughing less."

-Third Person (But kinda in Two's view)-

Two was lying, she didn't feel much better. She felt very cold and she felt like she was starting to get weaker, but she didn't want to worry her friends. There's nothing they can do about it anyway besides saying things like 'I hope you feel better!' and then they keep asking you if you're okay, insisting you rest when you can, and get worried over you.

"Alright then." Six said, smiling.

Shadow Six stared up at the cell door.

"Can I ask a favor of all of you?" Shadow Six asked as she looked towards all of us.

"What do you want?" Mono asked.

"Can we stack on each other under the doorknob? Like, stand on each other?" Shadow Six requested.

"Why?" Two tilted her head.

"I just feel like something is off about the door today," Shadow Six said. "The lock to be exact. Look very closely at the door lock."

The cell door had one of those locks where you could see it move. Like, you can see the lock part moves into a certain spot once you lock it.

"It might be unlocked, maybe. I don't know, but it'll be a huge waste to not see if it's locked or not." Shadow Six said.

"Alright, I'll be the person who holds you guys up since it appears that I'm the strongest here. Being the oldest person in this cell and in The Maw."

"Alright, tone down your ego." Two was able to say before she coughed once. She turned her head and coughed away from the kids though.

"Since Two isn't in the best condition, we'll only have her help us if we absolutely need the help."

The children began stacking on each other, Two would watch them from the right back corner of the cell. Shivering again.

Shadow Six was the child on top. They just barely was able to reach the doorknob without Two.

Shadow Six jumped, making the kids below her fall. She grabbed the doorknob, turned it and the door opened. She was able to push the cell door forward a small bit before losing her grip and sliding off.

She hit the floor with a thud but got back up pretty quickly. She walked over to the cell door and pushed it open more. Peeking out the door and seeing if any staff were in the hallway, luckily there was none.

She pushed the door open more, allowing the other children to walk out.

"We should use this opportunity to explore The Maw and formulate a more professional plan." Shadow Six said. "In other, more simpler words, explore The Maw and see how everything is before returning to our cage and then we see if we can edit our plan and make it better now that we know some things about The Maw."

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now