Midnight Mission

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published this at midnight coincidentally, when I was tired, please tell me if there's any spelling or grammar errors.

or not, y'all probably won't do that--


"Uhmm, no. I'm not blind." Slinky said, his voice getting quiet and nervous.

"Why couldn't you say how many fingers I am holding then?" Twenty-One asked.

"I.... Didn't notice them." Slinky said.

Twenty-One had a 'Are you serious?' face.

"You serious?" Twenty-One crossed her arms.

"Yeah." Slinky said.

Twenty-One put up two fingers and held it right in front of Slinky's face, extremely close to his face. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked once again.

Slinky went silent for about 10 seconds before saying anything.

"Two?" Slinky said.

"Correct, but why did you take so long to respond?" Twenty-One said.

"I can't win with you, can I?" Slinky said.

"You're obviously blind, not even a legally blind person would take that long to say how many fingers I am holding." Twenty-One said.

Slinky turned his back to Twenty-One, walked a bit away from her, and sat down.

They both got quiet.

 Twenty-One got up and quietly walked over to him and sat down.

"Tell the truth, please Slinky?" Twenty-One asked, she knew that he was blind but she wanted Slinky to admit it himself.

"Ah, it's no use isn't it?" Slinky said quietly, "You're right."

"Finally got it out of you," Twenty-One said.

"But you can't tell anyone about my blindness. It'll ruin my chances of survival because they would know my biggest weakness. This'll be our little secret, okay?" Slinky said.

"I swear I won't tell anyone." Twenty-One said, "Plus, I can help you so you can have an even littler chance of somebody finding out your secret by telling you how everything looks and locations!"

Slinky looked at Twenty-One, looking a little off to the side. "You'd really do that for me?" Slinky said.

"Of course! We're friends after all." She smiled.

Slinky smiled, unaware he was smiling back since he couldn't see. "Alright." He said.

"Now let me tell you what the children look like. First, let's start off with Six. So she wears a yellow raincoat, has black hair, pale. And then we have Mono..." Twenty-One described what every single child looked like, after she was done she moved onto areas. Going to describe everything she's seen in The Maw as detailed as she possibly can.


-Scarf POV-

I woke up to the feeling of hard cold metal on my back, I opened my eyes and looked around.

I was outside what should be my luxury cell, the cell surrounded by other kids who didn't have a luxury cell but just a normal cell.

The luxury cell had a bed, an okay-looking TV on a old wooden TV stand. It wasn't some 1970s TV, it looked more like a 2008 TV.

There were 7 books piled on each other near the bed.

There was a dark brown child-sized leather sofa set against the front left corner of the cell, right next to the bars.

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