The Rise Of Ragdoll

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"Shadow Six, I've been meaning to talk with you." The Pretender said. "I just haven't found a good enough time."

"What do you want." Shadow Six asked.

"Now let me get straight to the point, I have been selected by The Lady to find out who's the child trying to escape The Maw and I want your help."

"That means... You're The Traitor!" Shadow Six yelled.

"Ah, so you already knew somebody was up to something." The Pretender said. "You're more intelligent than I thought."

"Why are you doing this?" Shadow Six asked.

"I was promised to be freed and I was able to bring other children..." She paused. "- Bring as many as I pleased! And if I wanted to stay here, I could be The Lady's pet and live in luxury."

"As many as you please?"

"Yes." The Pretender said.

"Ugh, okay then." Shadow Six said.

Shadow Six turned towards Scarf and easily shoved him out the way, Scarf tried to pull out the knife and swipe at her but she was too far away. Shadow Six was surprised to see that Scarf had a knife ready.

"What?!" Shadow Six said. "You were trying to stab me?!"

"Well, we were trying to surround you and we were going to use the knives to keep you in the area." The Pretender said. "But that clearly didn't work because of Scarf's slow-*ss and weak self."

(I tried not to say that 'word' but I couldn't find any words that'll work without taking away the mood of the sentence.)

"Hm, well that's unfortunate." Shadow Six said. "But, I think I'll have to tell everyone about this and bust your operation." She began to walk off.

"Hey, wait!" The Pretender yelled.

The Pretender and Scarf chased Shadow Six, Shadow Six began running.

"What if we made a deal!" The Pretender yelled.

That caught Shadow Six's attention, she came to a halt and looked back at her. "Go on." She said.

"What if I gave you information on how The Maw works and all, and in exchange you give me information about the escaping child or children." The Pretender offered. "Think about it, it could make your own escape easier! And if you go ahead and call me out now, you'll lose this chance."

Shadow Six thought about it, fully turning around.

"And it'll enhance your survival rate! I will not kill you in battle, neither will Scarf." The Pretender said.

".... Fine." Shadow Six said. "Deal."

The Pretender smiled. "How about we do an info exchange now?"

"Okay, what do you offer?" Shadow Six asked.

"I'll tell you the routine of The Janitor." The Pretender said.

"I offer saying if it's one child escaping or multiple for that." Shadow Six said. "I'll say the exact number."

"I'll take that." The Pretender said. "Early in the morning The Janitor tends to stay in his room, when it's feeding time he'll leave the room and get the food which usually takes 5-12 minutes and then pass the food bags out to the children. After that he cleans around The Maw until a battle begins, then he loads children into the holding cages and battle enter cages alongside The Hanging Man. After getting the kids ready for battle he cleans until he needs to do that again, repeats until the battle for that time is over and returns back to his room. Maybe cleaning a bit more before returning back."

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