Confrontation and Despair

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5:00 AM

"Wake up!" Seven yelled, shaking the other kids.

The kids groaned, tired.

"What..." One said sleepily.

"Two isn't breathing anymore!" Seven yelled, panicking.

"WHAT." One yelled, immediately getting up.

Just as Seven said, Two wasn't breathing. One quickly grabbed Two's hand and checked her pulse.

She had a pulse, a low pulse, but a pulse.

"She's still alive!" One said. "But barely."

Suddenly, Two did a small gasp and opened her eyes a small bit.

-Two POV-

I looked up towards the ceiling, everybody was surrounding me. They were all crouched down next to me. I saw Mono climb off his ledge and come towards me. He then crouched down next to me too.

I felt horrible, physically. Worse than I ever felt before.

I looked at One, he was crying. I shakily reached my hand out to him.

He took it.

"A...Allow me to... hug you." I said weakly.

One pulled me towards him and hugged me. Then after a few seconds, he laid me back down, putting me on my back.

-Third Person-

Two looked at all of her friends, they were all crying. You can't see Mono cry but you could hear his sniffling.

"Hey..." Two said weakly. "I want to say this... to all of you..."

"You're all amazing, you're all breathtaking. So unique..."


"And... Six. I have one last request for you."

"W-What is it?" Six asked, wiping off her tears.

"I want you to get as many children out of here, I want you to save as many as you can from an awful fate... It may be hard, but Six." Two started crying herself. "I believe in you... I believe in all of you."


"I...I love you all.... Please.... Please don't die in this place... I want you to die somewhere good, somewhere where you're at joy..."

Two coughed.

"I love you all..."

Two began breathing heavily, starting to struggle to keep breathing.

"I love you all so much."

"Please don't forget me. Don't forget me..."

"We won't, we will never forget you." One said, One held Two's hand. "We will cherish the memories of you."

"Never forget." One said.

Two's cornea part of her eye began turning dull, a sign she was about to die.

"Promise?" Two asked, starting to close her eyes.

"I promise." One said.

"I promise." Six said.

"I promise." Mono said.

"I promise." Shadow Six said.

"I promise." Eight said.

"I promise." Seven said.

Smiling, Two closed her eyes and took her last breath before not moving again.

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