Sweet Bonds (Like Thin Ice)

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(Fan-art above is by WhiteSpider/Whitney)

I'm back with the definitely on time and not late what-so-ever chapters!

Grim, the person who did the book cover,  wanted me to tell you that he really appreciate the kind words you said last chapter(ish)! 

Note how I said he. DogInATuxedo is a giant dum-dum who forgot her friend changed pronouns about three weeks ago when publishing that chapter because their memory sucks when it comes to remembering new pronouns after being so used to using a certain one for a long time. Takes an unfortunately long time for their brain to stop doing wrong auto-correcting.

Please refer to Dr.Grim as he if you're gonna speak about them for now on, I fixed the book cover change chapter with a new message explaining what happened. 

Now that that's out of the way, holy crap, I'm terribly sorry it took this long for a real chapter. Writer's block just decided to hold me hostage for a long time and refuse to let me go. 

thankfully I broke free but I have a feeling this is going to happen again-

Oh, and please point out spelling errors and stuff.


Mono was lying down on his side on the top of his wooden ledge, back laying against the metal wall and facing towards the bars of the cell.

He got up and stretched a bit before crawling over to the edge of the ledge. Mono w-sat and stared down at the ground below him.

Sitting down on her knees in front of the cell's bars was the yellow-coated girl he's come to known for so long at this point. 

Mono got up and lowered himself onto the ground, grabbing the wooden ledge with his hands and allowing himself to dangle in the air for a moment. Then he let go for a silent drop. Being quieter this time instead of just jumping off the ledge like he normally would.

Mono walked over to her and sat beside them, staring out the bars too. She didn't react to Mono sitting next to her, she just kept staring out the bars.

Mono yawned, "You're up early..."

"Cassandra." He finished, looking at the yellow-coated girl. Cassandra looked back, her long brown braided hair sticking out of her hood.

The two were alone in their cells. Only Cassandra and Mono.

"You are too, usually you'd be sleepin' longer than this." Cassandra said.

Mono nodded, "Yeah..."

They were silent.

"I still cannot believe how many scars you got from that battle last week." Cassandra said, "I know it's normal to get scars in battles- as you know I have some myself- but I've never seen a child get five scars from a single battle."

"Well then, I made history in that case!" Mono joked, smiling under his paper bag.

Cassandra looked away from Mono, she then scooted away from the bars and just sat in the middle of the cell. Mono followed her and sat next to her once again.

"So... What are your opinions on the children of The Maw?" Mono asked.

"Why are you asking this..?" Cassandra asked, confused. "That's an odd question for somebody who's been here with me this long."

Mono lied down on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Then he switched positions to lie down on his right side. Facing Cassandra with his head resting on his hand. "I'm just curious," Mono said. "...And I'm out of conversation starters."

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now