Chapter 35

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Rians pov
I called my mom first and she told me to come home and talk with her. So being a good daughter I did, I walk up to the front of the house and just took a deep breath. My head is hurting and my stomach is aching. I finally have the balls to walk in.

"Where were you Rian" I knew this shit was coming.
"Uhhh I was just chillin with my friends and ended up crashing at their house, why what's up?"
"Don't fucking lie Rian, I had a long ass night fighting with your father then on top of that worrying about what the fuck might of happened to you. I don't like you hangin around those little friends of yours. Menendez family called and made a little complaint saying you destroyed their house with those "friends" then few days you come back home with a hangover, this isn't my Rian I knew" she has to be kidding.
"You know what mom, my friends didn't force me to drink and change that was on me, and I needed it even more because of YOU AND DAD. I have to move and don't have a single fucking say in this. I needed to let loose, I found myself happy." I didn't even realize I was crying. I was just pissed. But I knew no matter what I still had to leave. She took my phone and started putting packages in the back of her car.
I was pissed off because I couldn't say goodbye. After one long ass car ride with no talking we got to this stupid ass place.

"We're here" well no shit.

She tried to apologize and gave me back my phone. I was just chillin at the side of the road for a few hours when Ash and Halle come zooming up.

"What the fuck are u doing here."

"TO TAKE YOU HOME" they say in usion. I wasn't sure about this but you know what, YOLO MF I hop in and yet again another car ride in silence. I mean I made a comment about the peanut m&ms like the calories are gonna make me FAT. But other than that I passed out.

FUCK. Everything I'm around trouble follows. As we pull in the woods to get to the cabin Jose and Kitty are right there waiting. Ashley stomps on the gas pedal and zooms. Halle said "CAN U SLOW DOWN" knowing Ash we knew she wouldn't. We finally get out and me and Ashley went to this tree and just sat down talking. Until Jose came up to us waiving his gun around. I was scared fucking shitless. I was scared I was gonna die right now. Halle comes up behind him with a gun pointed to his head. Jose fired and shot Ashley on the side of her stomach luckily it was just a graze across her skin. I hear another gunshot then look to see Jose body dropping to the floor. The only thing I can spit out is "Halle-" I was scared I just witnessed murder. We all spit on him cause he was a asshole. I walk to the car knowing kitty is next. I just couldn't watch it. They come and get me and we head up to the cabin to wash up. And burned our clothes. We stayed the night there. I wake up and look at my phone.
            87 missed calls from
          10 missed calls from
Fuck. I just blocked my mom. I get up and use the bathroom and took a shower and got ready. When I walked out the girls were slipping on their shoes. Silence just filled the air.
"We can't tell ANYONE about what happened here. This day was just a bad dream. We forget it"
   "Rian you can't just forget something like this, we fucked up but u got a point we don't tell anyone" Halle says while Ash nods
"We gotta get home the boys are probably worrying." Ash says. I grabbed the little things I had. We get in the car and stop by 7/11 for gas then kept going. We stop in front of Perry's house when Ash looks over at me

"Why did you lie about where you staying Rian. Clearly you weren't at Halle's. So where did you really stay?" My god can this just be over with.

"Because I didn't wanna intrude on you guys. Perry Alr had a full house with u all and I didn't wanna add more. I stayed at the abandoned building by the park. And I Alr know what your gonna say, we're family and you can never intrude on us"

"Jesus Rian u scared the fuck out of us and when we found out u were In Arizona we had to get u because we love u" Halle said to me with a look in her eye.

We all just close our door and walk into the house when everyone was sitting on the couch. All attention goes to us. Next thing you know their all yelling at us for lying. Perry goes and hugs Ashley. Lyle to Halle. It's cute to see how everyone cares for eachother. Mahalia hugs me and tells me how much she missed me and how she loves me. I just nod,  and I move passed her to get the the kitchen when I hear Erik ask "what's with her" the girls say they don't know. I grabbed a cup of water and just leaned against the counter staring ahead of me.
"Hey" Erik says snapping me out of my day dream.
"Hey Erik"
What happened to you. I was worried when no one knew where u were"
"Awww little Erik worrying about me?!?!?" I say trying to lighten up the mood. He didn't find it funny he looked at me with a clenched jaw and looked at me and said
"Yea Rian I was. Bc I would die if anything were to happen to u. U got me head over heels about you. Just everything you do makes me happy. All I gotta do is think about you and I'm happy. You are the one that kept me going and you don't know even half of me or what I been through but I'm ready to tell you everything about me and learn everything about you"

I walked over to him as I'm smiling and wrapped my arms around his neck and I feel his hands on my lower waist. He picks me up and I wrap my legs over his body and whisper in his ear,
"I'm ready to explore and know the real u and a different way to look at life with u" he nudges his head into my neck. When I look over I see all of them standing and just staring at us. We all laugh, I drop down to the floor and we head to the living room watching movies while Ash yells out
"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" we all look over and I reply with "What?" She looked at all of us and reply's with "SCHOOLS OPENING BACK UP TMR" we all groan.
Besides the point I just yell out "I love you guys" they all looked at me crazy when mahalia says
"We love u too but what was that about"
"Idk you guys make me forget about the bad things and make me happy"
"Well in that case we love you" Erik replys by walking up to me and picking me up like a princess. It was cute. I didn't even know I fell asleep on him until I woke up with picture flashes on us. I look up at Erik to see his face drawn on. "Ok who did this?!?"
"Aww Eriks girlfriend upset" they say with there lower lip out.
"imma punch you all in the face." I sit up as I see all of them run to the back in the pool. I stood maybe 4 feet away so that no one pushes me in. Laughing while yelling "real nice" next thing u know I am swept off my feet into the pool in eriks arms.
"REALLY. I WAS TRYING TO HELP U" I say as he raises his eyebrows getting his hair out of his face.
"And I was helping u to have fun" I look and him with a pouty face. "Fair enough then" I wrap my legs and arms around him. When he leans into a kiss. Obviously I let him.
"Let's play that thing when u get onto someone shoulders and try to push others off?" Halle says
"Yes, I'll go on Perry's, Halle on Lyles, Rian on Eriks and Mahalia on Matthew. This should be interesting"
We all start to get on each other's shoulders when boys yell "BOYS ON GIRLS SHOULDERS NEXT" I laugh while saying
"Your gonna kill us." With everything happening i'm so freaking happy in this moment.

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