Chapter 38

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Rians pov
I'm sitting in class talking to my friends when the intercoms says
"Rian Reyes, Halle Stalder, Ashley Menendez come to the office" I look over to Halle worried and we both knew what it was about. I was shitting my pants right there. Erik and Lyle looked over worried and is trying to tell us what happen with their eyes
As we walked out of the classroom I seen Ashley and she walks over
"If it's about what I think it's about stay calm and deny everything" I say. I'm literally panicking so bad right now.

We walk in and see the teachers.

"Is there anything wrong here?" Ash asks.
"Yes we need to talk about something. There was a party thrown. Is everything ok"
I'm so relieved right now
"Yea yea yea. You know teenagers. Just growing up and having fun. But we are fine." I say while there all nodding their heads.

"Ok well get back to class" I looked over to the girls and we start laughing. We get our stuff and go to science. Erik speed walks to catch up to me.
"Wtf was that about ri, are u good?"
I look and nod my head "I'm fine it was just about the party anyways got to get to class. I'll see u there." I hate lying to him about this but it's HUGE.
A half an hour into class the principal and 2 cops storm in and says
"I'm gonna need miss Reyes to come with us"
I looked over to the girls.
Erik yells "wait where are u taking her. What she do" I give him a look that I'm going to be fine.
We step outside the classroom when they walk up to my locker.
"We're opening up ur locker for anything that might incriminate you to the missing people Jose and Kitty menendez"
"Omg there missing? Feel free to check nothings in there sir. I'll open it for u" like I said deny deny deny.
"We're gonna take u to the precinct" I nod as they grab the inside of my arm.
At precinct
I was waiting in the questioning room for about 30 minutes when 2 detectives walk in.
"So miss Reyes. U got a runaway report for you and being questioned for the missing of Jose and Kitty menendez."
"Wait wait what? A runaway report? Since when?"
"Since a few days ago. You were last seen in Phoenix Arizona."
"That's such bullshit. My mom forced me to leave my home so I came right back. My dad lives here so how am I a runaway?"

"Well miss Reyes have u been staying with your dad...?"
"No I've been staying with my friends?" I say with a sigh.
"Well we find it suspicious that on your way back from Arizona I stopped by a 7/11 around 8 and maybe 14 hours before the menendez parents go missing. Looking for you. And we check the area and they have a cabin in that area. U are on our lead suspect list" you got to be kidding me I'm not gonna rat them out but I didn't do nothing and I'm lead on suspect list.
"I'm not gonna speak until I have a lawyer" they sit up and walk out. I called Erik and he tell me a few more cops picked up Halle and Ashley. He was getting frustrated because I told him I'll tell him everything when they release me.

The girls come in and stay quiet. Then the detectives come in saying in about and hour were free to go and not to flee. I mean we weren't gonna because that would make us look sus you know. After more questioning we start to go home
"Fuck fuck fuck" I say crying. Mascara dripping down with tears "They said I'm there first suspect. I'm am scared. We have to tell the boys. We're in deep shit."
We pull up and I run into the house. And clean up. We all go into the living room when lyle is red faced yelling "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" Ashley looks over to us.
"So ummm we did something really bad. And you cannot I repeat cannot tell anyone"
"Jesus fucking Christ just spit it out" Erik says impatiently " before Ashley can finish I just blurted it out "we killed Erik and Jose bc they found us and were about to kill us but Halle and Ash saved us" Erik looked in complete shocked and mixed with terror. I walk up and leave to the kitchen when they all follow
"I'm lead suspect as of right now so if y'all don't see me ever goodbye"

"Rian don't fucking talk like that. You didn't even do nothing but watch" Ash says

Erik come up behind me and hugs me. And says "we're all in this together I have a lawyer." Everyone leaves so where it's just me and Erik.
"I'm so sorry Erik. I should've told you but I didn't. I get it if u think I'm a terrible person and don't wanna be around me."
He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes while grabbing my hand and leading me up to his room.
"Remember when I told u I wanted to tell u the real me. Well nows the time, when I was really young ummm-" his eyes start to water "my dad used to come into my room and do bad things to me. And I promise u you are not a bad person. He is, u helped me." He says completely crying. I grab him and hold him into my arms while whispering "I'm so sorry. No one deserves to go through that. Erik I love you so fucking much and just know I am here every step of the way" he looked up at me sniffing his nose and replys with "I love you too Ri and I know u won't hurt me. I shared a part of me that I don't share to anyone besides my siblings. And I want you to be mine because I love u and I can't sit there and act like I don't Rian" I look over and say "are u sure with everything going on right now with me?"
He nods and hugs me "u need me more than ever right now. And I'm here" I smile
"So am I" as I lean over to kiss him.

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