Chapter 28

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Rian's pov

I answered the phone leaving the room,

Dad "hello, Rian are u there?"

Rian "yea i'm here, what's up?"

Dad "we need to talk about something... you and your mom are moving, and this is hard to say, but ur gonna be a big sister, i know your going to hate me. but it isn't your moms. it was my biggest mistake ruining the family in the first place and now this, when you get home start packing."

Rian "your kidding right?" i say harshly laughing "you cheat and get her pregnant then u kick us to the curb. you know what go fuck yourself and be daddy to that kid. me and mom are gonna do just fine over there. i'm not going home for awhile"

Dad "i'm sorry i really am. but your not going back to Denver.... your going to Arizona. u need to come home and get your stuff, not in a while, I hope u understand, I love you bye..."

My heart broke, i'm finally liking it here and I have to leave, he's giving up on our family for another, what a piece of shit, and i'm not even going back to Denver i'm going to ARIZONA. i'm not leaving, I love my mom but I know I ain't leaving. I met my bestfriends here. had the best night of my life and they want me to leave, I can't even have time to process this because Mrs and Mr Menendez got back earlier then they were supposed to and I know were FUCKED. we start to clear the house but next thing u know their yelling. I left but I know damn well they saw me. I just ran, I did not wanna go back home so I just went to the park and listened to music under the stars. I get a call from the group, the cops showed up at Halle's house.... they told her to lie and clearly that was hard for her. Ash got yelled at. so she took the boys to Perry's house, I have nowhere to go and certainly I don't wanna ask to stay. he alr has the whole crew there and I don't wanna ask the girls. I just don't wanna be a unwanted rat staying somewhere i'm not wanted. Erik and Ash called to make sure I was alright, I lied and said I was staying at Halle's. lets see how long till they figure out that's a lie. I wouldn't think in a 1000 years my life would fall apart like this. I just wish everything would go back to normal, weird people start to come to the park so I just take my things go home and sneak up to my room and grab a blanket and a pillow and just everything I need. sure enough my parents were fighting as my mom is crying. I had to get out of there quick. I sneak back out and find this abandoned place and crash there, I just thought about everything and how my life is now, I had a water bottle filled with water and one filled with booze, I also had 2 joints, I smoked half of one and passed the fuck out, I woke up with my phone flooded with miss texts and calls from the group and my parents... FUCKK lets see what this is about I thought while rolling my eyes.

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