Chapter 29

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Lyles POV
"Hey baby, aren't your parents coming home in a few days?" "Yeah there coming back in three days, so we have three days to clean." "Okay just making sure!"
I got up to grab some water, well I'm in the kitchen I hear Eriks phone *Ding Ding* "OH SHIIII- EVERYONE START TO CLEAN MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO BE HER IN 10 MINUTES!?" I drop my water and run out of the kitchen and start picking up things. I see halle waking up all the drunk past out people "better get out of this house before I rip your head off." I start laughing, "why is there so many papers towels and powder on the floor" I go get the trash can and Eriks standing at the trash throwing bags and bags in there "Erik chill out okay I will take the blame....if I have to." "No Lyle you won't take the blame we all did this so please go clean." "Well alright but if I have to I will." Eriks phone goes off again *ding ding* "OH NO EVERYONE SIT AND GET ON YOUR SHOES AND BE READY TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE." We all get shoes on, and I see most of the girls run into the kitchen and my parents walk though the door and drop there bags "LYLE AND ERIK!" My face freezers. I see all they girls walk out of the kitchen my mom and dad look over "GET OUT OF MY YOU DISRESPECTFUL DISGUSTING CHILDREN!" They all run out.
"CLEAN UP THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" Me and Erik try to clean but my dad garbs me and slaps me, and throws me into the wall "SON YOU DO THIS AGAIN YOUR GONNA GET WORSE!?" I Can't even tell you how bad that hurt I mean Im used to it but, trust me it never gets old.  He also does it to Erik, I just want to punch him in the face every single time.
•A few hours later•
I'm in my room because I got locked Inside my room by mom parents Erik did to also. I mean it's 100% better then being thrown across the room. I hear my phone go off *ring ring* I pick it up and it's a call from halle "hey lyle are you there?" "Yeah I'm here" I heard my mom and dad on the phone with police officers a few hours back so I knew why halle was calling me "did the police come to your house? If they haven't lie to them." "No they came I lied to them." "Okay good" I hear my dad walking up the stairs "okay baby I got to go but I love you" "I love you to" my door handle starts to turn my whole face turns red. It's my dad he walks though and closes the door and locks it "you listen her boy" he grabs my face "you better not do this again or you know what's going to happen" he slaps Square across the face and punch's my in my gut and unlocks the door and walks out, he goes towards Eriks room. I hate that he does this to Erik aswell but I can't do anything about it I stood up for Erik one time and he said he would kill m- I Cant say that nvm. For the rest of the night I just lay in my bed and try to read I just couldn't my brain was playing tricks on me and I was overthinking the whole night so I couldn't fall asleep either. I look though my phone and I forgot I got a text from Ashley saying to come to Perry's house with them, I will do anything to get out of this house so I wait for my parents to go to bed and I open my door and walk out into Eriks room "psst...hey Erik" he wakes up and looks over at me "haha lyle your here, welcome to the store how can I help you?" Erik was sleep taking again he does this all the time "no Erik you have to pack stuff to go to Perry's house!?" "Oh Perry's house funny I know someone that works at my store named perry! What a coincidence! Maybe they could meet one day" I slapped Erik in the face " OUCH WHY WOULD YOU" I covered Eriks mouth "shhh Erik be quiet get Clothes and come with me." "Okay but why?" "I will tell you in the car. We walk out into the lobby and walk to the back door and open it and close it very quietly and run into the car, "okay erik we're going to Perry's house." "WOOO WERE GOING TO PERRYS HOUSE WOO HOOOO" "Erik shut up?!" I drive to Perry's house and then pull into the drive way.
•Eriks POV•
So after all of that party stuff happens my parents lock us in are rooms. Better then getting thrown into walls I'm I right?! So I'm just chillin I'm my room you know talking to all them girls in my phone aha just kidding. I'm sitting on my bed overthinking my whole life. Looking at all the dust on my ceiling fan. In till I hear my father walking up the stairs, even just his foot steps just ruin the mood. So of course I get off my bed and I was trying to hide, What the heck was I thinking? Umm was I thinking that my dad was gonna come in and be like oh well I guess Eriks not here I'm gonna go back down the stairs haha no that man would not give up trying to find me, so I just sit back down on my bed just waiting for him to come in. I hear my door knob turn and the man him self walks into my room and locks the door behind him and looks me dead in the eyes and slaps me "you will never do that again?! Or you know what's going to happen." He gets me up and pushes me into my desk "DID YOU HEAR ME!?" "Yes sir" my father nodded and walked out the door "man that hurt never gets old." When I was little my father would always have little talks with me about him hitting me and doing other things to me and he always ended it with if I told anyone he would kill m- wait nvm uhhh I was not supposed to say that anyways let's move on, you know I have thought of many ways to run away from this place, I have tried to run away one time when I was 12 here let me tell you the story. When I was 12 I just couldn't handle all the things my dad and mom did to me or what they said to me so I grabbed a duffel bag and put all my clothes and things I would need into it, but my mother came into my room and saw what I was doing and she freaked out and threw my clothes all over my room and got my father. It was a terrible night, okay I know that sorry wasn't the best but come on cut me some Slack, there's so many more details I just can't say. Anyways for the rest of the night I just stare out of my window and look at the stars I tried counting them atleast 5 times and each time didn't work, how stupid can I be like if I can't count them the first times I won't be able to count them the other 4 times. Well I peacefully sleeping Iyle suddenly wakes me up "psst.. hey Erik" I kinda had a talk with Lyle you know like a bro talk. I'm just kidding apparently I told Lyle that I worked at a store, he said that's not the first time that has happened. So he told me to get into the car and he tells me where we are going and what I said to him. When I heard we were going to Perry's house I got overly with excited, Like I mean wayyyyy to exited, Lyle pulls into Perry's drive way and parks.

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