Removing the spell

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The next day, the glares and whispers were almost gone from the hallways. Instead of receiving glares from other students and classmates, Tina received smiles and waves, which she returned with a smile, though she was a little suspicious. Glancing at her sister, she noticed Queenie's smirk grew wider every time someone waved or smiled at her. Tina was suspicious, to say the least. Her suspicions only grew when Queenie didn't answer her questions as to why everyone was acting so weird. When she'd asked, neither had Jacob or Newt. Tina finally decided to do a little investigation of her own. As she and her friends walked around the halls to their next class, everyone waved and smiled, Tina couldn't find anything wrong with the other students, she was beginning to feel that maybe they did like her.

She was walking to Transfiguration when out of the corner of her eye, she saw Malfoy coming around the corner. She quickly ducked her head, trying to go unnoticed. But when Malfoy saw her, he smiled and waved! Just like everyone else. Tina raised her eyebrows in shock before glaring at her friends in front of her. She was going to kill them! Queenie stopped, looking at Newt and Jacob with worried expressions before they heard a resounding snap and the magic disappearing from the atmosphere.

All three of them simultaneously gulped and slowly turned around, to see Tina with her hands in a snapping gesture in front of Abraxas Malfoy's face. They saw Abraxas blink and glare at Tina before walking away, his shoulder rude;y bumping hers. They tried to run away, as quickly as possible, they really did.

They felt the glare before they saw it. She was waiting for their quivering gazes to be turned on her, her foot tapping against the stone floor impatiently. They had tripled grimaces on their faces before she led the way to the Gryffindor Common Room. She hurriedly whispered the password, "Artemis!" Before herding the guilty Hufflepuff's in through the portrait hole. In her haste, she didn't see Newt's flushed face when she'd uttered the password for the common room.  Nobody,  except Leta and his family, knew of his middle names. Tina ushered them into the empty room and settled them on a scarlet red couch by the crackling fireplace.  

Tina, Ember, and Pickett, who had both been transferred onto her shoulder for the remainder of the day, glared at her friends.  "Okay," she said calmly (Yes, she actually said it calmly!) "I'm only going to ask this once. What was that, and why did you do it?"  She looked around at her friends.   Jacob looked at Newt and Queenie, his eyebrows raised.  Queenie looked at Newt, who looked at Queenie who looked at Tina.   Queenie gulped before standing to her ng and making her way to her sister, gripping her arms.  Queenie shook her sister with all her tiny body could muster.  "Don't you see why we did what we did?"  Tina looked down at her sister slightly cross-eyed, before crossing her arms over her chest, "No, Queenie I don't see why you did what you did," Tina said, shaking her head, "What did you do anyway?"  At this, Queenie turned to look at Newt, who had found his shoes very interesting.  

Queenie cleared her throat and Newt's head popped up.  "Newt," Queenie said, "You should tell Teenie what we did, after all, it was mainly your idea." Newt's eyes widened.  He gulped, nodding his head.  He looked at Tina, his blue eyes full of apology and a question of forgiveness.  "Well you see," Newt said, quietly, "It all started yesterday, after lunch..."

CLIFFHANGER!!!! I know, I'm so evil!   Anyways, I hope you all liked this chapter.  Please vote, comment, and stay awesome! 


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