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The news about the incident was out the next morning. By lunchtime, everybody knew of how the Lestrange girl had tried to hex her father but had instead hexed her American friend, who was now in the hospital.

Leta was not the least bit worried about the looks she was cast, she was used to it and it didn't make her angry. What did was Spellbound Magazine. Spellbound had just released an article about the incident. It was absolute rubbish, to say the least.

The article featured details about the incident, including the reasons for it. One such reason was that Leta had agreed with what her father had said and meant to hit Tina with the hex. This almost brought Leta to tears. The fact that people thought she intentionally hurt one of her best friends, just because of who she was.

Queenie didn't believe it. In fact the blond girl even thanked her for sticking up for her sister. Jacob and the Scamanders didn't believe it either. Little Juliet, who shouldn't have understood anything that was happening, reached up and gave Leta a small hug, cooing in delight and the smile Leta gave.

Aunt Abigail had rushed to St. Mungos to see her nieces and she and Queenie sat by Tina's side, day and night, but she didn't wake up. Newt and Leta visited their friend frequently. The first time they saw her, Leta burst into tears. Her face was marred with small cuts and bruises and her stomach was wound tightly with bandages where the blood had seeped through. She was pale, her face almost blending in with the sheets, the only way they could see her was from her eyes, which were wide open and unblinking from the hex. Her dark hair fanned out around the pillows, falling on her shoulders, in dark waves around her face. She looked like a small porcelain doll.

Newt held her hand, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. He talked to her every day, wishing she would wake up, wishing her beautiful eyes didn't look so dull like her fire was fading along with her. Leta even bought Ember to see her. The little salamander became weak, resting on Tina's chest. The salamander got weaker as the days went by. Then one day, when there was yet no progress with Tina, the little salamander curled up, and her fire finally dimmed, and she crumbled to ash.


Newt was devastated. One of his creatures had died. He'd cried. He cried for Ember, whose fire dimmed, all too soon. He cried for Tina, whose eyes were open, unseeing to the world where he needed her. And he cried for Leta, who could be expelled from Hogwarts for using underage magic on another student.


The healers were waiting for them when they arrived at Mugos the next day. "We're so sorry," they said

"There's a chance she'll never wake up."

This chapter is filled with angst! Please don't kill me! I'm really sorry I had to kill Ember. I felt like she would resemble what would happen if Tina died, and how specific people (*Newt*) would react. Please don't hate me!

Becca Eve

A Chance to Change Our  Lives- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now