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When Tina, Leta, and Newt made their way into the Defense Against the Dark Arts, they were surprised at the sight of the room. All the desks had been moved to the back of the room and in the center, was a large wardrobe. It was dark brown in color and shook every few seconds. Rattling like chains. "I believe it's a boggart," Leta whispered in her ear. "She turned to look atNewt, "What's a boggart?" She asked. Newt opened his mouth to answer her when Professor Dumbledore walked into the room. He nodded at his student's "Take a seat please." He said, gesturing to the bare floor. The students formed a 'U' around their professor, their robes a variety of vibrant colors in the bright light of the afternoon sun.

He knocked on the wardrobe door, "Do any of you know what's in this wardrobe?" Newt slowly raised his hand. Everyone looked at him, he could see some rolling their eyes. Looking at Tina and Leta, they gave him encouraging nods. "Uhm. It's a boggart. It takes the shape of whatever we fear." Dumbledore nodded, "Good. Ten points to Hufflepuff!" Newt smiled. "Okay! Who wants to go first?" The other students seemed to shrink back, but in an act of unknown confidence, Tina stood up, "I will!" She proclaimed. Dumbledore smiled as Tina moved to stand before the wardrobe. Quickly opening the door to the wardrobe, Dumbledore swept back.

The boggart leaped out of the wardrobe. There sat three beds. The smell of death filled the air of the room. Tina shuddered, peering at the beds on the left and right and she gave a small sob at the sight of her parents, their skin green and marred with scars. She shook, slowly making her way to the bed in the middle. This was new. There had never been a bed in the middle when she'd encountered boggarts that were hidden at Ilvermorny. She crept forward, her hand trembling. She pulled back the covers and gasped, tears streaming down her pale face.

There lay Newt, his skin a sickly green and covered in bumps and scars. She pulled out her wand, ready to dispel the image from her mind, "Riddikulus!" She cried. Newt and her parents jumped up, roaring like lions and waving their hands in the air. Dumbledore applauded, looking at Tina sympathetically as she wiped the tears from her face. " Thank you, Ms. Goldstein," he said, "Twenty points to Gryffindor! Who wants to go next?" He asked.

A sea of hands shot up.

Newt stepped up first and the boggart transformed into a desk, complete with a typewriter and stationery. "Interesting," he murmured "What Mr. Scamander fears the most is..." Dumbeldore turned to him, "Having to work in an office, sir," Newt replied, his answer almost drowned out by the laughter of the others. He turned and saw Leta and Tina glare at them and he smiled. Turning to the desk, he pointed his wand at it, "Riddikulus!" The desk turned into a wooden dragon. It roared, blasting fire from its snout. Newt smiled and moved to stand next to Tina as Leta faced the Boggart.

The creature was still for a few seconds before the room turned dark and a light shined on a piece of white cloth, floating down into what seemed to be dark water. The class was silent and Leta sobbed and ran out of the room.

Newt and Tina ran after her, worried for their friend.

A Chance to Change Our  Lives- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now