Juliet Scamander

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The group had rushed to St. Mungos. Athena was rushed to the delivery room. Where they could hear her cries of pain. Queenie leaned between Tina and Jacob, unable to withstand the pain, while Tina held Newt's hand, giving him reassurance. Apollo was pacing back and forth, hands in his pockets. Theseus was leaning against the wall, Leta placing a hand on his shoulder, helping him calm down.


Healer Grace Abbot had just delivered the news, Mrs. Scamander had given birth to a healthy baby girl.


They named her Juliet. Juliet Anastasia Fiona Scamander. Her head was crowned with thin strands of tawny-colored hair, her eyes, a bright blue. Her face was dotted with freckles across her nose and her legs wiggled with excitement. Newt and Theseus stared in wonder at their little sister, she was wonderful. Athena, seeing their friends outside in the waiting room, invited the girls and Jacob inside. Tina and Leta stood beside the brothers, smiling. Tina could almost feel Newt's excitement radiating off him.

Everyone was very excited to welcome the new Scamander baby!

Hellloooo!  Sorry, this chapter took so long to upload, it was my birthday on Saturday and I didn't have a lot of time for writing.  Also, I got a new laptop for my birthday, which I am now using as my writing device!  The next chapter will be much longer, I promise!


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