A Fresh Start

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The next morning, Tina and Queenie woke up to the sound of the ship's horn as it pulled into the London port. "Porpentina, Regina it's time to wake up, our ship has just docked." The sisters hurriedly got out of bed and put on their clothes. Tina brushed her long hair before braiding it as Queenie fluffed her curls. After they finished getting ready, they hurried off the ship after their aunt. They arrived at customs.

"Passports please." The gruff sounding customs official ordered. Their aunt looked at them expectantly as she handed the man her passport. Tina dug around in her bookbag(Which actually held books) and pulled out her and Queenie's passports to hand the official. He looked down at Tina and Queenie suitcases with raised eyebrows. Queenie giggled, "No sir, we don't have any livestock,animals,or food in our cases. And yes, this is our first time in England." Tina gave her sister a sharp look as the official made a surprised sound, his eyes the size of saucers. "Move along then." He said, waving them through. The girls' aunt gave a curt nod and led them through customs until they came to a bustling London street.

"Come girls, my house is this way." Aunt Abigail(she told the girls to call her this on the boat). Tina dragged Queenie after Abigail and soon they arrived in front of a large medium gray brownstone. The house had a large fire engine red door that read No.39 on the glass pane above the door. There were seven windows. One with the curtains drawn, two with the curtains open, and four barred windows. Abigail and the girls entered the building and trudged up two flights of stairs before walking down the long hallway before coming to a stop at door 6.

Abigail pulled out her wand and opened the door with a whispered "Alohomora!" The door swung open and Abigail ushered her nieces inside. She swiftly took their coats and hung them on the coat rack just beside the door. Abigail owned a very modest English flat. When you entered there was a large arch that gave way to a small living room and kitchen. The living room consisted of a cream colored couch and a small coffee table with bookshelves along the walls. There was a hallway that had three doors. Abigail led them to the first room. *Just imagine Tina and Queenie's bedroom from FBAWTFT*. "This is where you'll be staying." The girls entered the room. Queenie dropped her suitcase on the floor and leapt onto the bed.

"Teenie, I'm exhausted," she mumbles "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now."

"Ok. G'night Queen." When she gets no response Tina turns around to see her sister fast asleep, snoring softly. Tina smiles slightly and resumes her unpacking. After she finishes, she pads over to her sister's bed and pulls the covers over her. She then gives her a soft kiss on the forehead and crawls into her own bed. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring but she was glad she had her sister.

Second Chapter!!!! I hope it was good enough for everyone's liking. I will be writing a book for every year at Hogwarts so this series isn't over. Please Vote and stay Awesome!!- Lyra

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