Diagon Alley

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Chapter 4-

Diagon Alley was the most magical place Tina had ever seen. There were dozens of shops of all kinds. Looking at the signs as they walked around, she saw the Apothecary- Potions, Eeylops Owl Emporium - owls & related merchandise, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour - ice cream, Flourish and Blotts - books, Gambol, and Japes - joke items, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions - robes, Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions - beauty products, Magical Menagerie - pets & related items, Ollivander's - wands, Potage's Cauldron Shop - cauldrons, Quality Quidditch Supplies - brooms & other Quidditch-related items, and Twilfitt and Tattings - robes

"Come along girls, we must get you a wand Regina before anything else." Queenie glanced at Tina before skipping after their aunt. When they entered the shop, there was nobody behind the counter. Tina and Queenie looked around the shop before resting on their aunt. Abigail looked back at them and answered their unasked question. "Don't worry, she'll be here soon." Soon, there was a resounding crash and a yelp before a brown-haired woman appeared. "Hello! Welcome to Ollivander's, making wands since 382 B.C. My name's Gabrielle Ollivander! How can I help you?" "My little niece here is starting her first year at Hogwarts and needs a wand." "Great! Step up here young lady and we get the wand choosing started." "I get to choose my wand?" Queenie asked "Oh no!" the wandmaker said aghast. "Darling, always remember this. The wand chooses the wizard. Witch in your case." Queenie nodded. "Okay! First wand!" She brought out a box, opened it, and handed it to Queenie. "Well, go on then, give it a flick!" Queenie flicked the wand and the books on a chair in the corner ignited in an inferno. "Oops! Sorry, ma'am!" "Nothing to worry about! Happens all the time," said Gabrielle as she flicked her wand that caused the inferno to extinguish. "Ah! This one should be the one! Ivy wood with unicorn hair core. 10 ¾ and with very swishy flexibility." Queenie this wand and the tip lit up! "Ohh!" She squealed "Ah yes! That'll be 3 Galleons!" Abigail paid the women and they were about to walk out of the shop when Gabrielle called Tina.

"Young lady, can I see your wand please?" Tina turned and quickly walked to the counter and fished her wand out of her bag. She handed it to Gabrielle, who examined it with curiosity. "Ah yes! Just as I thought! Hazel with a thunderbird feather core, 11 ¾ inches, correct? Tina nodded "Yes ma'am. I was a Thunderbird at Ilvermorny." "Ah! The soul of an adventurer. This is one of Thiago Quintana's wands, yes?" "Yes ma'am!" Gabrielle hummed. "Well, I have a feeling you'll do great at Hogwarts!" "Thank you, ma'am!" Tina turned and skipped out of the shop, her mood suddenly lighter. Queenie waved to her from across the street and Tina crossed the street safely. It was only when she arrived at Queenie's side that she noticed two new people. "Hello!" She said breathlessly. Queenie giggled. "Teenie, these are my new friends, Newt Scamander and Jacob Kowalski. Gentleman, this is my sister, Porpentina Goldstein, but you can call her Tina." Tina smiled a small smile and looked at the boys. She noticed the one named Newt (whatever kind of a name that is) had coppery-red hair, freckles, and the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They had a bluish-green hue, like the sea or a mossy lagoon. Queenie giggled and said innocently "Oh Teenie. I didn't know you had a type." "Queenie!" Tina glared. Her sister only giggled once more. "We should head to Flourish and Blotts and get our books." Jacob said brightly. Everyone else nodded and they went off. Jacob and Queenie walked ahead, Newt and Tina looked at each other and soon followed. The silence between them could have been cut with the sharpest knife, and still not break. Newt suddenly had an urge to speak to this new girl. He had gotten a very good look at her when she had ran across the street. Her hair was as sleek as a hippogriff's feathers. Her skin is as pale as the moon. Her eyes.... Her eyes glowed like fire in dark water. They reminded him strongly of salamanders. He wondered if he told her this, would she appreciate it or would she glare at him in disgust? That's what most people did if he ever complimented them. He had a feeling she was not like most people.

" H-How did you come to England?" "We came by uh- a ship." "W-what about your parents?" Newt noticed Tina started to tear up. "Oh-oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "No-no it's fine. Our parents died of Dragon Pox a few weeks ago. Our aunt took us in and here we are." "I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what it's like." She turned and gave him a small smile, which he immediately returned. "We'll be okay. We've got each other." They stopped in front of Flourish and Blotts. Newt opened the door and everyone went inside.

Tina turned to him after he entered. "So, what's Hogwash like?" Newt snickered "I believe you mean Hogwarts?" Tina raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that what I said?" Newt shook his head, a large smile on his face. "Hogwarts is only the best wizarding school in the entire world." "Ah Mr. Scamander, that's where you're wrong. Ilvermorny is the best school in the entire world." "Oh pray tell, Ms. Goldstein." "Well, our houses are named after magical creatures." Newt's face lit up, "Really?" Tina smirked. "Yep. There's Thunderbird, Pukwudgie, Horned Serpent, and Wampus." What house were you in?" Newt asked. "I was in Thunderbird. They favor adventurers." Newt smiled. He thought that Tina was an excellent Thunderbird. He could tell she had an adventurous soul. His thoughts were interrupted by Tina. "What about the Hogwarts houses?" "Oh well, there's Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin." "What kind of creature is a Slytherin?" Tina asked curiously. "Huh? Oh, so sorry, our houses aren't named after creatures, unfortunately. They're named after people." Suddenly a booming voice made itself heard.   Newt winced and he and Tina turned around to find a blond-haired, blue-eyed, boy walking toward them.

OHHHH! Cliffhanger! I hope you all like the story so far! I tried my best with Newtina friendship fluff. Chapter 5 is coming soon. Please vote and stay awesome!- Lyra

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