The Sorting

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The Great Hall was a very large room. It had four long tables, each filled with people in their house colors. The ceiling was a beautiful picture of the night sky, but Tina knew it was enchanted from 'Hogwarts A History'. She saw Newt and Jacob sitting at the Hufflepuff table and they smiled at her as Jacob gave her a salute and Newt gave her a reassuring nod. Dumbledore led her to the front of the hall where the stool sat with a bettered, old, hat sat on top. He walked on to the platform next to the Teacher's table and tapped the owl stand. The owl hooted and spread its wings. The hall fell silent and Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Hello, students! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. The sorting is about to start, but first, we have another sorting that needs to take place. This is Porpentina Goldstein, she has come from America where she attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for two years before being accepted into Hogwarts. She has yet to be sorted, so we are going to do her sorting now before the first years." He then gestured to the hat and stool. Tina walked towards the stool, lifted the hat, sat down, and placed the hat on her head. Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head, "Ah! Porpentina Goldstein, former Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, Duelist, Top Student. Hmmm, where to put you? Quite intelligent, very kind, loyal, a sense to prove yourself, and quite the leader. Hmmm. I think Slytherin would do you well! Yes, Slytherin! Oh! But, I see a young woman who is a protector, a ferocious Lioness! Oh! Now I know! GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat shouted. The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers. As Tina walked over, she received many pats on the back and ruffles of her hair. She smiled and made her way to the end of the table where she sat next to a red-headed girl, who looked to be about her age, with bright blue eyes. "Hi! My name's Victoria Weasley! You're Porpentina Goldstein right?" Tina nodded. "Yeah, but most people call me Tina."

Victoria smiled. "Most people call me Ronnie, especially my twin sister Harriet, she's in Ravenclaw." Tina was about to respond when the door burst open and the first years walked in. Tina looked through the crowd and soon spotted her sister's blond curls. Queenie turned and waved before stopping and forming a line. Professor McGonagall pulled out a large scroll, unrolling it and lifting the sorting hat off of its stool. "When I call your name," she said, "Come and sit on the stool to be sorted." She called the first name, "Abbot, Gwendolyn" a girl with blonde hair walked up to the stool, and the hat was placed on her head, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The Hufflepuff table cheered. Tina looked and saw Newt smiling and clapping politely. He turned to look at her and the two shared a smile. Alfred Blake was sorted into Gryffindor, Jamie Conway was sorted into Slytherin, Lyra Fledgings was sorted into Ravenclaw. Then, it was Queenie's turn. "Goldstein, Regina." Professor McGonagall called. Queenie walked confidently up to the stool and sat down as the hat was placed on her head. "HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted. Tina smiled at her sister as she made her way over to the Gryffindor to give her the biggest bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you." Queenie smiled, "Love you." she said. "Love you too," Tina replied. Queenie skipped over to the Hufflepuff table and sat right beside Jacob, who gave her a high-five. Headmaster Armando Dippet stepped up to the podium and announced in a great booming voice, "Now that the sorting has ended. It's time for our start of the year's ongoing tradition, The Welcoming Feast!" Suddenly, platters upon platters of food appeared on the tables. Mashed potatoes, shepherd's pie, meatloaf, English peas, pumpkin juice, fizzing water, chocolate cake, cauldron cakes, etc. Tina gaped at all the food laid out before her and hurriedly dug in. She hated to admit it, but the food at Hogwarts was better than the food at Ilvermorny. She heard a chuckle and looked up to see Newt smirking at her from the Hufflepuff table. Tina glared at him, sticking her tongue out at him, making him laugh. Tina blushed and looked down, discreetly taking another bite of her Shepherd's pie. Headmaster Dippet stepped up to the podium and spoke once more. "All right students, it's time for everyone to head to bed now! Prefects, gather up all the first years and take them to their common rooms. Second-year and up, please head to your dormitory." Everyone started to rise up from their tables and head out the door. Tina looked around in surprise and worry, the fact that she didn't yet know her way around the grand castle had yet to settle in on her, until now. She didn't have to worry long though, her helpful guide came in the form of Newt Scamander. He held out his hand to her.

"I realized you haven't been shown around the castle properly, so I could take you to your common room and help you find your way around until you can do it on your own." She smiled, grasping his hand, "I'd like that very much."

Newt and Tina exited the hall, talking about the new school year. "This year," Newt said excitedly, "We get to choose electives that we get to take along with our core classes." Tina smiled at his enthusiasm. They soon arrived at a portrait of a very... large lady dressed in a pink Victorian dress. Her brown hair in a braided bun that settled at the back of her head. "Tina," Newt says, "Welcome to the entrance to Gryffindor Common Room." Tina frowned, "How do you know that this is the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room?" Newt smiled, "Well over the years, students who have friends in other houses have been known to sneak into their friends' common rooms. So now, everyone knows where the other houses' common rooms are." Newt finished. Tina raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Could you show me the rest of the common rooms later?" She asked. Newt nodded, "I'd be happy to, Ms. Goldstein." The fat lady's portrait spoke up. " Are you going to get in or are you going to stand out here all night? Now, I've seen my fair share of blossoming love at our lovely establishment, but none as quite adorable as yours. But really, you both need sleep, it's almost curfew."

Newt and Tina blushed at the portrait's comment. "W-well, I'll see y-you tomorrow, Tina." Tina nodded, "Goodnight, Newt." The boy walked off. Tina turned toward the portrait. "Uhm," she said, "I don't know the password, you see, I'm new to the school and-" The portrait interrupted her, "Oh don't worry, dearie. It's 'Salamander'." The portrait swung open to reveal the Gryffindor Common Room. The room had many paintings on its walls, and in the center were red couches and other furniture, complete with a fireplace that was burning with an intense flame. Something moved in the fire, that something caught Tina's eyes and she made her way over to the fire. She knelt down on her knees and peered into the flickering flames. She saw a tiny red creature with black spots all over its body and deep, brown eyes, eyes just like her own. "A salamander." she breathed. She cupped her hands and the tiny creature climbed onto her hands and nestled itself on her palms. She stroked the salamander on the head. The creature cooed and closed its eyes.

'I'll show you to Newt tomorrow.' She thought, before setting the salamander on her shoulder and heading up the stairs to her dormitory. She placed the salamander on her pillow, where it curled up, soon fast asleep. Tina crawled under her crimson covers, and soon drifted off to sleep, ready for a new day of adventure.

Hiiiiii! I hope you liked the new chapter and saw all the references I made. So sorry it took so long to write this chapter, I tried to make it as good as possible. Please vote and stay awesome. :)- Lyra

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