The Scamander Family Extravaganza- Part 3

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Newt hadn't thought about his father until he'd gotten home. Apollo Scamander was very... optimistic in his opinions about purebloods. The Scamander's were a part of the Sacred 28 and his father had taken his title in stride. He didn't look down on half-bloods and muggle-borns, but he did think purebloods were the utmost elite in wizarding society. He hoped his father would keep his opinions to himself at dinner or he would most likely be expelled from Hogwarts. His friends had been through so much in their lives, especially Tina and Queenie, who had lost their parents and he would not let his father ruin their Christmas hols.

"-ewt. Newt!" He was snapped back to reality from Tina's frantic voice. He swiveled his head to find her standing in front of him, her eyebrow raised and her arms folded across her chest. He cleared his throat, "Sorry?" Tina shook her head good-naturedly, "Beanie just came to tell us that your father has arrived home from the Ministry and that it was time for dinner, so we should get dressed." Newt stiffened. His father had arrived. Tina placed her hands on his shoulders, his skin burning at the touch. "Newt," she asked, "What's wrong?" Newt shook his head, "It's nothing," she tilted her head to the side, her eyebrows raised. He read her expression and knew that she knew he was lying.

He started over, "My father, he's very opinionated about our status as purebloods. And, I don't want him to make you upset, because this is supposed to be a special holiday for you and-" He looked at her and saw that she was smiling. He stopped, captivated. She wrapped her arms around him, looking up at him. "Newt," she whispered, "I'm thankful that you want to protect Queenie and me, but I promise you, nothing your father could ever say would ruin this holiday." Newt nodded, "Are you sure, Tina? I just- I don't want him to hurt you." Tina nodded, "I'm sure, Newt." "OK." Newt breathed before hugging her back.

Tina gently let go of him, walking towards the door, "C'mon, you should get ready for dinner." Newt walked out of the room before hastily turning back, "How would you feel if I met you downstairs, I would very much like to walk with you to dinner, Ms. Goldstein?" He said, bowing low with an exaggerated posh accent. Tina giggled before replying in an equally exaggerated accent, "Why Mr. Scamander, I think that is a lovely idea!" They smiled at each other before Newt turned and made his way to his room. Tina was just about to close her door when she saw Queenie and Leta dashing down the hall toward her room. She opened the door wider, letting them rush into the room. They were breathing quite heavily, hands on knees. Tina crossed her arms, "Is there a reason as to why you two are running around these halls like a pair of giggly school girls?" Queenie held up a finger, "First of all, we are a pair of giggly school girls" Leta then held up her finger, "Second of all, we are here to help you!"

That made Tina raise an eyebrow, "Why do you need to help me?"  

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