The Scamander Family Christmas Extravaganza-Part 1

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was almost bursting with excitement with the awaiting release for the Christmas holidays. The school had been decorated very festively, and the students were joyous with the arrival of the Christmas season. The day the Hogwarts Express would take the students home for the holidays, our lovely trio met outside the castle corridor that held Newt's creatures. He had already fed them and was waiting for his friends, looking around for their green and red house scarves. He smiled when he saw their rosy cheeks, apparent on their faces by the bite of the cold.

The trio walked to the train station, Leta talking about how Abraxas Malfoy was yet again being the obnoxious git that he was, Tina nodding in agreement while Newt shook his head at his friends' antics. Their talking abruptly stopped and Newt looked up to see them staring at the topic of their conversation who was read in the face, almost fuming smoke from his ears. Apparently, he'd heard most of the conversation and was looking ready to hex them both. Tina frowned at him, her eyes looking as if they could hex him on their own before he could even raise his wand, and Leta raised a challenging eyebrow before taking Tina's arm and walking away with both of their heads held high. Newt scrambled after them, needing to get away from the still fuming Malfoy, who was mumbling incomprehensible words under his breath.

When they reached the train, they quickly found a compartment and settled in for the ride. Leta had a bench all to herself, her body splayed across the bench, her hair spread out around her. Tina and Newt sat on the other bench, reading (Tina) and drawing (Newt), quietly whispering to each other, smiles appearing on their faces every so often. Tina was wondering where her sister was, but soon, the girl in question walked past with Jacob. She turned towards her older sister, smiling and nodding her head towards Jacob, before leading him away to find a compartment of their own.

The train soon rumbled to life and was trudging along the winding railroad tracks, taking the students right back to where their journey had begun.

*Time Skip*

It was half-past two when the scarlet train halted at the station. The children excitedly hurried off the train. Newt led his friends through the large crowd. Leta and Tina had linked arms, while Tina held Queenie's hand while she linked arms with Jacob. Soon, Tina saw a head of red hair, hair much like Newts. Leta gasped, her gaze trained on a slightly taller head of hair, this hair was brown. Newt looked back at Leta and smiled, "Yes, he's here." They finally came to a stop in front of two people.

The very-pregnant red-haired woman scooped Newt up into what could only be a bear hug. The tall brown-haired man, who looked and also didn't look like Newt, was staring at Leta, a smile etched across his face. "Mum," Newt said, "Let me down, Mum. Mum- I can't breathe." The woman slowly set her son down before turning to her a wide smile crossing her lightly freckled face. She came toward her, taking both her hands in her own, they were soft, just like Newts. "Oh my dear, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from my boy that I feel like I already know you!" Tina was astounded by the women's motherly nature. She can only stutter a response, "T-thank you, Mrs. Scamander." The woman smiles, "Oh, please, call me Athena, you are family. Anyone who is able to tolerate my wild sons is very special and very much welcome to our home." Tina smiled, "Thank you, very much. If you don't mind me asking, how far along are you?" Athena smiled, rubbing her stomach, 35 weeks exactly, she'll be along any day now." Tina smiled, "Congratulations!" Athena beamed, positively glowing before turning to Newt and murmuring, "I like her!" turning to introduce herself to Queenie and giving Jacob a warm welcome.

Leta stepped over to her, gesturing to her, "Theseus, this is Miss Porpentina Goldstein, Newt, and I's friend," she said, exaggerating the word and raising her eyebrows suggestively. The tall man looked down at her, eyeing her up and down. Tina couldn't help but frown and cross her arms defensively over her chest. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Newt looking at his brother, almost protectively. As if warning him to say something. "Tina wants to be auror, and she's very good at dueling, the best," Newt said this challengingly, but he also sounded proud. Proud of her. Tina couldn't help but blush. Theseus peered down at her, an eyebrow raised. Well, perhaps when you and Ms. Goldstein graduate, we can see about getting her started in the Auror program." Tina nodded, grateful. She turned to Newt, smiling, squeezing his hand in thanks. Leta cleared her throat, making eyes between Tina and Newt. Tina couldn't help doing the same, making eyes between Leta and Theseus, which only made her friend blush. They linked arms making their way toward Newt, who led them to a carriage, where they piled in, making their way to Newt's home for the most exciting time of their lives.

Hiiii! OMG! I posted this on Newt's birthday! Happy Birthday, Newt! Hope you have a lovely day with Tina, the creatures, and the rest of your family! Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote, comment, and stay awesome.


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