Quidditch Part 1

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Tina had been thinking about what Queenie had said the day before. She knew neither Newt nor Leta would ever betray her. They were her best friends, and they would stick together. She made her decision and with a smile on her face, went to meet Newt in the Courtyard.


Tina and Newt met Leta at the Quidditch Pitch, which was booming with the chatter of the students, dressed in red and green. Newt smiled at Tina's excitement. Her Gryffindor scarf and jumper vibrant on her pale skin. Leta smirked at him, and he blushed, hoping it wasn't obvious. Tina smiled, linking arms with Leta and making their way to the stands. They found a seat that was almost right in the middle of the crowd. Tina looked around excitedly, her eyes bright.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd, and then the voice of Lyra Fledgings boomed around the pitch. "HELLO, EVERYONE! AND WELCOME TO THE MOST ANTICIPATED EVENT OF THE YEAR, THE FIRST QUIDDITCH MATCH OF THE SEASON! GRYFFINDOR VS. SLYTHERIN!" She smiled, and the pitch erupted in cheers. She spoke again," ALL RIGHTY, LET'S BRING OUT THE TEAMS! FOR GRYFFINDOR WE HAVE, POTTER, WEASLEY, MCLAGGEN, PREWITT, WOOD, JOHNSON, AND TOLLIVER!" Tina frowned, Tolliver. Ugh! The team flew out in a flurry of scarlet and gold. She was still amazed at all the excitement and decided she would not let Tolliver dampen her mood. Then the Slytherins were announced, "AND FOR SLYTHERIN WE HAVE, MALFOY, ZABINI, BULSTRODE, BLACK, PARKINSON, FLINT, AND CARROW." The Slytherins flew out, their green robes flying. The teams landed on the ground, standing around the Quidditch Master, Master Flimsby.


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