New Friends

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The boy stopped in front of them. Tina heard footsteps behind them and turned to see Jacob and Queenie walking toward with frowns on their faces. Tina turned back to the boy and glowered at him. "Tolliver," Newt said dejectedly. "Can't I say hi to my favorite wimp?" Queenie gasped sharply. Jacob pointed his finger, "Now listen here pal-" Tina drew her wand and pointed it at Achilles' chest. He smirked down at her "You can't do anything to me unless you want to get expelled." If possible, Tina's glare darkened, "Watch me." She growled. Newt hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder, afraid she would actually hurt somebody. Tina whirled around and she turned her glare on to him. Her gaze softened just a smidge and she crossed her arms over chest and huffed. Then, suddenly she smirked and Queenie gasped, "Porpentina Esther Goldstein, don't you dare!"

Tina however did not listen and with a twirl of her finger, Achilles Tolliver sprouted a curly pig's tail and nose. He tried to scream but all he could do was oink. Newt burst out laughing and everyone else joined soon after. Newt turned to Tina, "I didn't know you could do wandless magic!" Tina shrugged nonchalantly, "We had to learn it early at Ilvermorny so we wouldn't have to use our wands in front of No-maj's." Newt smiled. He had a feeling Tina was one of the smartest people he would have the fortune to meet. "How long has he been bullying you?" Tina asked him, her eyebrow raised.

Newt drooped his gaze and looked at her feet, "Ever since first year." Tina was filled with rage once more and turned to turn this Achilles Tolliver into much more than a pig, but before she could, he took one look at her face and got out of that shop as fast as his gigantic feet could carry him. "Dammit, he got away!" Tina said under her breath and Newt couldn't help but smirk, he would've liked to see Achilles Tolliver turn into a pig, but he was elated that Tina had stuck up for him and that his tormentor had run away from a girl who was half his size. The Quartet walked out of the store and realized it was getting quite late.

"We should probably go find Abigail and head back home," Tina said and she realized that she didn't want to leave Newt. She wanted to continue hanging out with him and learn more about him, and magical creatures, but that would have to wait. She waved goodbye to Newt as Queenie grabbed her hand and dragged her to their Aunt. Abigail smiled as she saw them approach, "So, how was your day? I saw you walking around with those two boys over there." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Queenie giggled while Tina turned beetroot. "No Auntie," she explained, "They're just our friends." Queenie smirked, "From what you was thinking about Mr. Scamander, I was thinking y'all would be more than friends. Jacob was thinking the same thing." Queenie said. "We were watching you both when Tolliver came up and he was looking genuinely scared for-" Tina flushed, "Let's go home!" She said suddenly. Abigail snorted and led them out of Diagon Alley. That day was full of adventures and making new friends and the Goldstein sisters wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, now we know who the unknown bully was! I hope you all liked this chapter! Please vote and stay awesome!- Lyra

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