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The Hogwarts Express zoomed past vast green landscapes with tiny pockets of villages along the way. Queenie was fast asleep, her head resting on Tina's lap. Tina was busy reading a book she had bought from Flourish and Blotts, "Hogwarts and History" it was called. It was quite an interesting read. Suddenly, Queenie's head popped up and connected with Tina's chin. "Ow, Queen!" Tina exclaimed, rubbing her chin. "Sorry Teen, it's just, I can hear Newt and Jacob's thoughts. They're wondering if we are on the train." Queenie lifted herself off of Tina's body and opened the compartment door with gusto. "Jake, Newt, we're over here." Tina heard her sister call. She stood up as Newt's freckled face came through the door. His face lit up when he saw her, "Tina," he breathed. He looked very handsome in his Hufflepuff robes. "Hi, Newt!" she replied, albeit a little breathlessly. "Are you excited?" he asks, smiling. "Of course, I'm just worried." Newt frowns, the corners of his mouth turning down. "Why are you worried?" Tina takes a deep breath. "At Ilvermorny, I got made fun of because I'm an orphan, what if people find out and they make fun of us?" Newt smiled," If someone does make fun of you or Queenie, I have somethings that could make them regret it."

Tina raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "Mr. Scamander, is there something you're not telling me?" Newt's eyes bulged. He sighed, reached inside his robes, and pulled out a long stick-like thing with leaves on the top of its head and smaller twig-like arms and legs. "What is that?" Tina asked curiously as she, Jacob, and Queenie crowded around Newt's hand where the creature lay. "This is a bowtruckle, they pick locks. His name's Pickett, he's only a baby but he has a cold, so I keep him with me." Pickett the bowtruckle gave a little squeak and waved his twig arms at the three friends, before turning to Newt and giving him some questioning squeaks.

"Oh, where are my manners? Pickett, these are my friends from New York (Jacob is still from NYC, he just traveled to London before Tina and Queenie!), Jacob Kowalski, Tina Goldstein, and her little sister, Queenie Goldstein." Pickett turned back around and looked at Tina, his head turned to the side, as though he was trying to figure out where he knew her from. He gave a squeak of recognition and turned his head and gave a few excited chitters to Newt, who blushed. "Yes, she is the girl I met at Diagon Alley a few days ago. Yes, I know, her eyes are quite beautiful." Tina and Newt both turned beetroot as Queenie and Jacob guffawed behind them. Tina turned to look at Newt's warm eyes. "I think your eyes are nice too." Newt smiled, " They were the first things I noticed about you, other than your heart of gold." Tina was about to reply to his lovely compliment when the door of their compartment opened to reveal a girl with beautiful caramel-colored skin and black curly waves that trailed down her back. "Oh Newt, I've been looking for you everywhere, come sit with me." Newt's mouth opened and closed like a fish. For the first time it seemed, she noticed the other people in the compartment. "Oh," she said raising her eyebrows quizzically, "Who are you?" she asked, almost annoyed. Jacob spoke up, "Kowalski, Jacob Kowalski." the girl smiled. "Oh yeah! Newts told me all about you! You're from America aren't you?" Jacob nodded, looking perplexed at how this girl knew so much about him. Queenie laughed at his thoughts before turning to the girl, "I'm Regina, but I go by Queenie. This is my sister, Tina, she's a bit shy." As if to prove her point, Tina gave a small wave and a mumbled, "Hi." The girl smiled, "I'm Leta Lestrange. Newt's best friend."

"Jacob wouldn't be so sure about that, but go off I guess." Tina heard her sister mumble, and she couldn't help but snort. Everyone looked at her, surprised. She quickly stopped and cleared her throat. "So sorry," she said, "Must've choked on air." Queenie giggled as Tina's face flushed pink. As she watched Newt out of the corner of her eye, Tina saw a tiny smirk on Newt's face, and she couldn't help but smile. She looked up at Leta, "We're from New York, our parents died from Dragon Pox and our Aunt, Abigail, took us in. " Queenie gave her sister a side hug and tucked herself into her side, as Tina ran her hand through her curls.

Leta's face turned down, "I'm so sorry for your loss." Tina smiled," We're okay, we've got each other." She said as she squeezed her sister's shoulder. Leta turned to Newt, "How's your mother doing? When is she due?" Newt smiled, "She's not due until December. She's really excited." Queenie gasped, "Newt's mom is having a baby!" Tina smiled, "Oh Newt! That's so exciting!" Newt smiled at her, "It is exciting, isn't it? I have a brother but I want a little sister and know I might get a little sister! It's so exciting!" Tina thought Newt looked absolutely adorable, like a little kid talking about something they were fond of. Suddenly, the train slowed to a stop and they saw a brown-haired woman outside of the train and as they hurried out.

"First years! This way please!" Queenie turned to Tina, "I'll see you soon Teen. Don't worry about me." She smiled, "I always worry about you, Queen." "I know." her sister gave a bear hug. "First Years, this way please!" Queenie pulled away and ran to the women with a wave. Tina gave a small wave back and turned to find a few dozen carriages waiting for all of the other students. All of these carriages were pulled by horse-like creatures with bat-like wings. "Hey Newt, what are those creatures who are pulling the carriages called." Newt looked at her in awe. "You can see them?" he asked excitedly.

Tina frowned," You can't?" "No! Okay, Tina, these you see are called Thestrals, they can only be seen by people who have seen a person die!" Tina's eyes started to well up in tears and Newt realized his mix-up. "O-oh! I-I'm so sorry Tina, I-I didn't mean to make you cry." He went over to her and realizing she probably needed to be comforted, he hesitantly pulled her into a hug. When Tina felt Newt's arms wrap around her, she felt warm and safe, and strangely enough, it felt like home. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. She lifted her head and smiled up at him and he smiled right back.

"It's okay," she said, still smiling," I know you didn't mean it. "Newt! Tina! The carriages are about to leave!" Jacob called. Newt and Tina looked towards the carriages and saw that they were already starting to move. Newt looked back at Tina and held out his hand, "You ready?" She nodded and took his calloused but soft hand in hers. His hand felt warm and she certainly didn't want to let go.

"Yeah!" They ran and jumped on the carriage. Tina laughed as she jumped and Newt thought it was the beautiful sound he'd ever heard. It sounded like the tinkling of bells in the winter breeze. The Thestrals trotted up the path and around a bend. Tina gasped at the sight of Hogwarts. Towers cowering over the luscious green grass. Trees with their dancing to the ground. The dark forest looks dangerous but full of mystery, intriguing. The carriages pulled to a stop in front of the grand castle. The group, minus Queenie, hopped out of the carriage. They started walking up the pathway to the entrance of the Great Hall. When they reached the entrance, they saw an auburn-haired man dressed in blue wizard's robes. "Good evening, Professor." Newt greeted the man.

"Evening, Newt." The man said. He held his hand out to Tina, "Albus Dumbledore, Defense against the Dark Arts Professor and Head of Gryffindor house. And who might you be?" "Porpentina Goldstein, Third year," she said, shaking his hand. "Ah! Just the girl I've been looking for." Tina stiffened, why was this man looking for her? "Oh, I'm not trying to hurt you. We have to have you sorted, don't we? Tina immediately relaxed and nodded with a smile.

"But first, you have to let go of Newt's hand." Tina and Newt both looked down and saw they hadn't let go of each other's hands after they had gotten on the carriage. They both hesitantly let go and immediately missed the warmth of the other. Tina followed Dumbledore into the castle and turned back to wave to her friends, who waved back. They walked down a long hallway and finally reached a set of grand double doors. Dumbledore pushes open the door and reveals to Tina the Great Hall.

Whoooo! Sorry, this took so long to get published, I had school and this chapter is a little bit longer than the others! Hope y'all like it! Please Vote and stay awesome!- Lyra

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