The Scamander Family Extravaganza-Part 2

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The carriages pulled into the Scamander Estate. If that's what you wanted to call it. It looked more like a castle to Tina, whose eyes had bulged out of her head at the sight of the Scamander home. Leta chuckled while Newt looked sheepish. "It's a bit much isn't it?" he asked. Tina shook her head, "No," she whispered, "It's wonderful." Newt blushed and Leta gazed out the window with her. The carriages soon stopped, and Tina almost leaped out onto the ground with excitement. The strong wind blew her hair and she tucked an errant strand behind her ear. She saw Queenie looking at the house with wonder before turning to her and smiling so wide it looked as if her cheeks would hurt.

Athena led them through the large iron gate that guarded the estate and to the big wooden doors, each hosted a hippogriff door knocker in their centers. The doors opened to reveal a small houself, who greeted Athena with great enthusiasm.

"Mistress Athena! You're back! With Masters Theseus and Newton at that!" Athena smiled at the elf, "That's right, Beanie. The boys have brought some friends too, so please prepare two more spots at the table please?" The elf nodded before disappearing with a pop. She turned, smiling at the children before addressing her sons. "Newt, Theseus why don't you lead our guests to their rooms?" The boys nodded. Newt took Tina and Leta's wrists and led them up the grand staircase to a long hallway filled with doors. He turned to his friends, "Leta you know where your room is. Tina, this is your room. He led her to a large mahogany door carved with all kinds of woodland animals (i.e. deer, badgers, hedgehog, porcupine, etc.) Tina ran her hand over the carvings, marveling at their beauty. She opened the door and walked into the vast room. Ember squeaked in surprise at the astonishing room. Newt, who was standing in the door frame, chuckled at her salamander. Walking up to her, he placed his hand under her shoulder and she felt herself stiffen. He was so close, she could feel him as his hand gently brushed her shoulder as Ember climbed onto his hand, showing her around the room.

The room was much more than Tina was used to but, she was surprised to find, she loved it! In the center of the room was the bed, with blue satin sheets and a soft blue and white patchwork quilt. Next to the bed was a dark brown maple wood nightstand, which held a lamp with a white shade that cast a soft glow on the bright room. On the wall closest to the bay window was a large desk with bookshelves on either side. On the wall closest to the door, stood the large cedar wardrobe where Tina found, when she opened it, all her clothes and a couple of black garment bags lay at the end of the rack. She had a feeling of what was inside those bags, but she would wait until she had to wear them to find out. She looked around the room awed at the elegance and style of the room. "Do you like it?" Newt asked sheepishly. She turned to look at him, incredulous, "I don't just like it, Newt, I love it!" She said, "It's one of the most beautiful rooms I've ever been in."

Newt blushed, he hadn't thought her reaction would be this optimistic. He'd thought she'd have been disgusted that he wasn't like his brother or his father for that matter. He didn't take into account that Tina hadn't met his father yet. That was when the panic finally settled in.

His father....


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