Part 57

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Ron handed me a spare copy of the daily prophet and I scanned it for more.

It was just a bunch off bullshit, saying Harry's lying and Dumbledore is too, Cedric can't remember so he's not apart of it anymore and..... how I was brainwashed.

"Why does he speak about me?" I whispered to Ron and he shrugged.

It wrote that I am close to both of the boys and seeing as I believed them when they got back immediately, apparently Cedric and Harry and Dumbledore Brainwashed me into believing it all.

Which was a lie.

So now everyone who reads this will think the same about me as they do Harry.

"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command, and not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only think he's interested in..." Sirius told us.

Moody coughed as if to tell him to stop but he didn't.

"We believe... Voldemort may be after something..."

"Sirius" moody warned him.

I was looking back and forth between Harry and Sirius.

"Something he didn't have last time" he finished.

"You mean like... a weapon?" Harry asked him.

"No that's enough! He's just a boy! You say more and you might as well induct him into the order, y/n too!" Molly came around and whipped the papers out of our hands.

"Good! I want to join! If Voldemort's raising an army then I want to fight."

"Me too! It's not fair."

Me and Harry argued.

Sirius sat back in agreement as if he knew we were going to say something like this.

He winked at us both and molly walked off scoffing.

"So why did he drag me into it? I wasn't brainwashed??" I turned to Remus.

"Well they think that because you were the most worried during the tournaments and the closest to the boys during them too, even though Harry had Ron and Hermione too, Cedric having others, it didn't matter to them.
Because you were the first to believe them as well as Dumbledore, without hearing the full story from you that's lead to him assuming things. They also said you helped them come up with this lie therefore your apart of this." He sighed.

"Great" I huffed.

Why not Hermione or Ron or any of Cedric's friends? I didn't get it.

I knew I was going to be bashed about it at school but I just hoped my friends would believe us too.


Once Everyone ate, it was silent, everyone was full and tired.

"Right you lot off to bed! Come on." Molly started pushing us out of our seats.

I said goodnight to everyone then headed up after the twins, I was too tired to hug people goodnight.

"I'm actually tired for once." I sighed and climbed into the bed next to George.

"Good." He smiled.

"Goodnight" I yawned and lay down, throwing some food towards Elora.

"Night" they both said and turned off the lamps.


Luckily, I fell straight asleep.

Up until 4am. I heard loads of moving around from the room next to us which was the room Ron and Harry shared.

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