Part 24

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It was a couple hours later, me and Ron were stuffed from eating before, we were sat at the table with the twins and helped them paint their faces for the game.

They were super fans of the Irish and i loved to see the fan girl in them at times like this.

Arthur shouted us all outside and I walked next to Harry this time.

"Hey how have you been?" I asked him.

"I've been ok.. you?" He asked back.

"I've been good. Even wrote to Sirius the other day. I miss him already." I sighed.

"Yeah me too. It was hard to keep contact with him.. you know the Dursley's and all." He huffed.

"Oh yes. Well one day me and you can get out our muggle homes and go live with him. I can't wait." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Me too"

We all finally arrived at the event and met up with Cedric and Amos at the entrance.

"Hey Cedric!" I walked next to him.

"Hey, y/n right? Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk before." He chuckled.

"Yes it is. And it's fine, it was busy before." I smiled at him and someone grabbed my hand from behind.

Me and Cedric turned around.

"Don't be trying to take our friend from us now Diggory." Fred joked and let me go.

"Oh stop it, seems like I can't be friends with anyone but you two these days." I rolled my eyes and laughed, so did Cedric.

We were walking up a load of stairs and I held onto Cedrics jumper, he was a few steps ahead of me and didn't Mind.

We all stopped for a second for a breather.

"Blimey dad! How far up are we?" Ron asked Arthur.

"Well put it this way, if it rains.. you'll be the first to know." I heard a voice from below us and let go of Cedric to look down.

I wasn't expecting to see who i saw.

It was Lucius malfoy and from behind him came Draco looking up at us all.

Draco smirked at me and i smiled back. Luckily no one noticed.

He looked different, more....handsome.

No y/n stop it.... well I did miss him. That blonde hair, those hands...STOP Y/N..

I didn't want to speak, i didn't know what i would say and im standing with his enemies.

I looked at everyone and Ron rolled his eyes at Lucius.

The others seemed unfazed.

"Come on y/n let's go ahead." George whispered to me and looked really eager to get to the stand.

I laughed at him and shook my head.

"Be patient will you?" I said.

"Oh yeah that's right." Fred said.

"You like malfoy" George whispered and they both laughed.

I kicked them both in the shins and they soon shut up about it.

I looked back down at Draco.

"Father and I are In the ministers box.... by personal invitation of Cornelius fudge himself." Draco seemed to be very cocky about that statement.

Ron huffed and so did Harry.

"Don't boast Draco..." Lucius dug his walking stick into Draco chest and Draco held where it hurt and just looked up.

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