Part 2

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After a long explanation from Hagrid, explaining to me this whole other world that seemed so unrealistic but tempting, we arrived in diagon alley, a place that Hagrid explained as being where young witches and wizards alike me, go to buy things for Hogwarts.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Hagrid chuckled, noticing me awing at the sight of it.

All the people rushing about with their families, all the different shops that I had never heard of before sounded so intriguing like 'ollivanders shops for wands' and 'quality quidditch supplies' etc.

"What's quidditch?" I looked back up to ask Hagrid.

Just as he was about to answer me, some boy around my age with the brightest blonde hair I had ever seen, swooshed right past and accidentally shoved me into the wall on my left, still running ahead and not looking back to see who he had bumped into or if I was ok.

"Are ya alright y/n?" Hagrid said, offering me a hand, looking all over me for any bumps or scratches.

"Yeah I'm all good, thank you" I  took his hand and he pulled me up, then allowed me to dust myself off. I did look around for the boy but he had vanished.

"Right then, I'd suggest you head into ollivanders, lovely old fella' in there, I'll be back waiting outside the shop in a moment" hagrid smiled and walked off leaving me to walk into ollivanders on my own.


"Ahh and who must you be little witch?" Says the curly haired old frail but lively man that was at the desk as I entered.

"I am y/n y/l/n sir. And you are?" I asked with a small amount of confidence.

" I am mr olivander, the man with the wands people like to call me" he chuckled a little.

Mr olivander stepped aside and was looking at all the wand boxes while I stood there in shock of how magical and crazy this is.

"Here y/n, this might be just the one..." he says as he hands me a dark brown wand in a navy blue box.

I took the wand carefully and give it a swish... a gold aura sprouted out of the wand, glowing around me in little specks of gold dust. The wand felt so smooth and easy in my hands, making ollivander grin.

"Yess the perfect wand let me just box that up for you my dear"

"Thanks sir but may I ask what type of wand it is before i leave?" I ask just as I was about to walk out the door, noticing there was all sorts of wands around.

"Of course, that wand is a 13 inch dragon heartstring core, extremely strong and flexible." He says as he waves goodbye in hopes he will see me soon.

I then left olivanders with my new wand and I went to go to find Hagrid.

With very little luck of finding him after walking a while around the alley, the same blonde haired boy walked past again but this time I got a better look.... He definitely looked like a trouble maker, best to stay clear.

When I finally get out of my daydream of the boy, he left and went into another, darker alley way.

I noticed a large shadow coming my way so I turned around quickly, thankful to see Hagrid infront of me smiling down at me.

" ah Hagrid there you are i was just looking for you!. What do you have there?" I asked in confusion, looking down towards the large cage in his hand.

Hagrid handed the cage over to me and told me to look underneath the piece of cloth that's hiding what ever is underneath....

I took a look underneath and to my surprise I saw a gorgeous large brown owl with a name tag written 'Elora'.

"Is she mine?" I asked Hagrid while i had a good look at her. She was beautiful, I had never owned an owl before but had already fallen in love with her. 

"Oh of course she is y/n. You take good care of her now won't you?" He asked looking worried at the bird.

"Of course I will Hagrid i promise". I replied.

" right best be on our way, we don't want you to miss your train. All your other items have already been dropped off at the station, I sent someone to do that for you". He smiled.

"Thanks Hagrid." I smiled back.

And off I went.

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