Part 20

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I woke up early because it was the only time Lupin could get me and harry in to practice the patronus charm.

I got into my robes real quick and headed out my room and the common room quietly, trying not to wake anyone.

I entered lupins class and Harry was already in there.

"Hello y/n nice of you to join us," Lupin came out of his little office area and passed me a small smile which i politely returned, I was only here because I was Lonely and bored that day i went for a walk so Lupin offered me to join them seeing as it wasn't a problem.

"Hey Harry." I said walking next to him.

"Hey y/n" he turned and smiled at me.

"Are you both sure ur ready to do this?" Lupin questioned us both.

"This is very advanced magic, well beyond the ordinary Wizarding level." He said after.

"I'm sure" Harry said.

I nodded and stayed silent.

"Well everything's prepared. Now the spell I'm going to teach you is called the patronus charm. Have you ever heard of if?" He asked us both.

Harry shook his head and i nodded, i haven't done it before but i have heard all about it.

"No? Well a patronus is a sort of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one.... it works something like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it rather than him. But in order for it to work. You need to be able to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you do this?" Lupin said.

Harry and i both nodded.

"Very well, close your eyes." Lupin pointed at us both and we closed our eyes.

"Explore your past"
"Do you have a memory?" He questioned us both.

I nodded.

"Allow it to fill you up."
"Loose yourself within it."
"Then speak the incantation, expecto patronum." Lupin walked behind us both.

I dug into the memory i had, it was of me and the twins when we were in the common room and we all fell asleep leaning on each other, i felt so much love that night and it was a strong and happy memory.

"Expecto patronum" me and Harry spoke without wands.

"Very good..." Lupin walked to a box infront of us both.

We both opened our eyes.

"Ready? Wand at the ready." He said holding onto the box lid.

Me and Harry got our wands out.

Lupin unlocked the large box infront of us and i got nervous.

The lid flew open and out came a version of a dementor.

Harry attempted to say it first and became a little faint.

He fainted as the dementor got closer and closer.

Lupin got to his side and i shouted the charm.

"Expecto patronum!" I shouted in fear because i was so scared for Harry but i thought of that night in the common room..... and out came a blue light.

It was my patronus, a dapple grey stallion.

It shielded me from the fake dementor and put it back in its box and vanished.

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