Part 73

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"Ready?" Fred asked me and grabbed my hand, George taking the other.

"Yup." I smiled and we apparated to diagon alley.

"Holy fuck!" I squealed. The twins decided it was best for me to work with them for the time being, even though I was technically underage it was their shop after all so it didn't matter.

The shop had a statue of one of the twins, Fred I'm assuming but it could be George too with a top hat that lifted up and out came a rabbit.

The outside was colourful, not too bright of an orange but it was a fun shade. Looking from outside you could see all the toys and sweets and pranks etc it looked amazing!

"I love it!" I smiled and we walked in, Fred shut the door behind us, inside was just as great with a second floor, things flying around. It was magical.

"Glad you do." George smiled.

"Soo we mostly just walk around but if you want you can work at the till?" Fred asked me as I took a little tour around.

"Sure." I smiled and walked behind the till as we approached it.

"Suits you." George pointed and I smirked.

"We're open now!" Fred called from the door.

 "NOW??!" I yelled and they both laughed.

"You'll be fine. Anything gets out of hand your more than welcome to take a break." George reassured me.

"Ok" I grinned and almost immediately, customers piled In.


Working at the joke shop was amazing, the customers were fun and lovely except the odd few.

Once people were in here and trying out things and testing them it was really fun and took my mind off of everything.

"How we doing?" Fred leaned over the counter.

"Good!" I smiled.

"Your doing a great job. Gonna have to offer it you full time after you finish school." He smirked.

"Might just take you up on that." I grinned.

"Come here I wanna show you something." George grabbed my hand as Fred took the till.

"Ok" I smiled, we barged through the customers and up the second floor to some more stairs that led to a door.

George opened it and I walked inside.

 "It's where we're gonna move to eventually, not yet but some point." He smiled.

I looked around, it was a small flat, two bedrooms for the twins, a small well kept kitchen and a small living area as well as a 3 stooled table.

"It's lovely." I smiled at him. "I'm so proud of you two you know?" I turned towards him and he grinned.

"Like I really am so proud." I smiled.

 "And I'm proud of you, yeah me and Fred are great we know but you, your strong and beautiful and brave, your amazing," he smiled and held my shoulders.

"God I'm gonna miss you when I go back." I muttered and hugged him tightly.

"He didn't lie you know." Fred came from behind us.

 "I've just closed up." He told me.
He hugged me too.

"We will miss you too but we will make sure to owl you every hour or so." George smirked and winked.

"Don't." I smirked.

"Come on we best get going before mum complains were late for dinner." Fred groaned and we walked out the shop. George locked the door and tried to open it to double check before we apparated back to the burrow.

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