Part 100 - Epilogue

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19 years later

Sooo for a little catch-up from where I left off with you all.

We got married!! Draco, believe it or not had Harry and Blaise as his best men and I had Ginny and Hermione as my bridesmaids.
Sirius and Remus cried as well as molly and bill and Charlie and even the twins.

Blaise still lives with us and his wife Sofia who is lovely and they even got married and had a baby boy called Louie enzo Zabini who is now 12 years old.

Harry moved out with Ginny in their own house which I didn't mind and he had 3 kids of his own, Albus, James and Lily potter which Ginny also became a potter once they got married.

Me and Draco had two girls and a boy. Scorpius being the oldest and he hates his siblings but loves Louie so they hang out a lot.

Lillia and Layla both loved their brother but they were still only 3 years old being twins. And scorp was 11.

Fred and George both got married to two lovely women and had a pair of twins each- which didn't surprise anyone really.

Ron and Hermione had a boy and a girl too and they got married.

Cedric got married and had one girl who was now in her 4th year at Hogwarts.

Bill and fleur had two girls of their own who had already finished Hogwarts.

Charlie moved out the country to get married and had three young boys but kept us updated.

Sirius and Remus also got married but didn't adopt any children they said me and Harry were enough to keep track of.

Molly and Arthur came to everyone weddings and both cried.

That all leads to now.


"Scorp, Louie get down here now!!!" I yelled with Sofia as we heard from the twin girls they were pulling their hair.

"What?" Scorp frowned as he walked in the kitchen with Louie behind him.

"Apologise the both of you." I pointed to the twins who had just stopped crying.


"You will." Draco's voice beamed as he came through the door with Blaise, they both worked on the same days together as healers and me and Sofia worked as Aurors on the days the men weren't working and were home to look after the kids.

"But they were getting in our way in the garden we were trying to play." Louie huffed and as Blaise came in the room and out his bag down he whacked his sons head lightly.

"Apologise the both of you or were not taking you to Hogwarts again." Blaise huffed.

"Fine. We're sorry." They both said and I was then satisfied.

"You can go off and play now, if the twins get in your way just tell us instead, not hurt them!" I called as they ran outside through the back door with the girls following.

I laughed and shook my head walking over to Draco and giving him a kiss.

"he cant go yet I'm not ready." He frowned as I let go and kept my hands around his neck.

"I was like that when Louie went for his first year last year I cried." Blaise said and Draco laughed at him.

"Your gonna be the same just watch, we're leaving in a couple hours."

"No were not Hes too young what if he gets hurt or bullied or-"

"Draco listen he will be fine. Louie will look out for him even if he's in the year above. Stop stressing." I placed my hands on each side of his face and he gave me a kiss then sighed.

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