Part 10

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After the quidditch match, me and the other three met up with Hagrid to question what snape was doing to Harry's broom as we all knew that we could trust him.

" why was he trying to get past that big three headed dog?" Harry questioned Hagrid.

" who told you about fluffy?." He asked back.

" that thing has a name?" I questioned him, smirking at the name for such a huge beast.

" course he's got a name. He's mine. Brought him of an Irish fella I met down the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the...." before he could finish Harry interrupted him, trying to get an answer.

" yes?..." Harry practically begged him.

" I- uh shouldn't have said that"

I giggled at hagrid being only now cautious of what he was saying.

" now don't ask me anymore questions. That's top secret that is." Hagrid pointed to Harry.

Harry told Hagrid what ever fluffy is gaurding, snapes trying to steal it.

I drifted off a second while hermione goes on about some spell she reckons snape used on Harry.

I see draco and his friends in the distance.

I grew to be more interested in the blonde haired boy more and more but yet I knew my friends might not approve so i don't ever think of going and starting a conversation.

1. Because he will probably most likely shrug me off as I am a Muggle born,

and 2. Because i don't think my friends will be happy with me speaking to malfoy. So I kept my thoughts to myself.

I listen back into the conversation to hear Harry questioning who Nicholas flamel is.

I wasnt that interested so just looked at the scenery around as we walked for a while, hogwarts still had so many places for me to see and discover!!


It's been a few days since i have seen Harry Ron and Hermione.

It was dinner in the great hall and i sat next to George and Fred as I had recently become closer to them.

"What's up y/n?" They said in union as i sat down ready to eat in the middle of the twins.

"Nothing really." I sighed as they caught on that something was wrong.

" I just have no one anymore like I can't hang around with the trio, they aren't anywhere and seem to pay less interest in me" i sulk drinking some pumpkin juice.

"Well you always can hang round with us y/n we're here for you". Fred said nudging my shoulder.

George agreed with him.

" thanks guys." I said to them after starting to tuck into my food.


I finish my food and make my way to the gryffindor common room and head straight to my room and go to sleep on my bed, forgetting the past few weeks with my recent best friends... now just people i talk to on occasion.


A couple months later i still hung around with the twins and rarely spoke to the trio, they were always so busy........ i started to enjoy the twins company much more.

Thinking about the upcoming years, this afternoon i remembered is the time the train is leaving Hogwarts to go back home.

I forgot all about my muggle family and realised they would question me so i decided that when i arrive, I will tell them everything, but beg them to stay quiet about it.


A couple hours pass and i take my trunk down to the platform with the rest of my luggage and Elora in her cage.

I board the train, meeting the twins in a carriage and sitting down oposite them.

I also saw the trio walk by and assume they went into another carriage.

"Nervous to go home y/n?" George asked me as the train started to depart Hogwarts.

I looked at him and gave him a worried/concerned look.

" very" i reply as i told the twins earlier what i was going to say to my parents when i got home.

I started to get emotional so fred got up from beside george to comfort me with a hug, which calmed me down alot.


I woke up a bit later, realising i fell asleep on freds shoulder but he didnt seem to mind as i sat up and apologised.

I felt ill not knowing how my parents would react... would they disown me? I mean.. im a witch!

Loads of thoughts ran through my mind until Fred tells me that we have arrived.

"You're just overthinking it too much and stressing yourself out, just try to calm down a second" Fred told me.

We all leave the train while George gets my luggage for me.

I grab it all off him and put it all on my luggage trolly including Elora.

"Thank you boys" i embrace a hug with them both and say,

" I'm going to miss you two."

" and we will miss you too" Fred said,
"make sure to keep in touch!" George said after him.

We all giggle then turn around to see molly waiting for them.

We go to her and she gives me a warm hug.

"see you soon sweetheart, and be safe." Molly said to me.

I say goodbye to the weasleys including ron who seemed glad that i did so.

I see hermione and Harry ahead of me so i approached them.

They turn around after I had called them both and they both hugged me to to say goodbye.

"we will see you next year yeah?." Harry asked me.

"Sure" i replied knowing we aren't as close anymore but were still friends and looked out for each other once in a while.


After i left the station and got into a cab, i paid the driver and headed towards my home with all my luggage.

I enter the house and knew this was the time to explain where i had been this past year.

Even though Dumbledore had sent a letter telling them. I thought they would have still been concerned and worried with No way to contact me.

I walked into the kitchen to see them standing there and when they noticed me, we all started to cry as we had missed each other so much.

I sat them down in the living room after embracing them both With hugs and unpacking my luggage including letting Elora fly free.

I started to explain to them and they were really confused but i explained to them in as best detail as i could.

I explained everything else like how my best friends are the weasly twins, Hogwarts, draco, the different types of houses.


I explained it all to them and made sure they understood and were ok.

They were surprisingly happy and knew that if they told any of their muggle friends they would be in danger and so would I.

They accepted me and I was so relived.

I now knew i could take them to diagon alley for the 2nd year of hogwarts for them to explore all the magical shops and help me pick out outfits and hopefully meet the twins as well as hermione, Ron and Harry.

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