Part 13

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I woke up after a night full of sleep. Which was good.

I got out of bed and put on my clothes and robes to head downstairs into the common room.

"Ready for breakfast y/n?" I see Fred looking up at me from one of the couches.

I nodded and greeted him with a hug.

"Did you sleep better last night?" He asked.

"Yeah much better thank you.. where's George". I looked around not seeing him in the common room.

"Ah Hes already at breakfast I just told him I'd wait for you to come down first" Fred said.

I nodded and he got up and walked with me to the hall.

"Morning George!." I said to him as i sat down beside him.

"Good morning y/n" he mumbled quietly because he was eating.

I laughed and grabbed some pumpkin juice, starting a conversation with the twins and some of the early birds who were sat opposite us like Neville and dean who were waiting for Seamus to awake.

"Did u get hurt yesterday Neville? After DADA?" I ask as I lean forward to grab some jam and toast.

"A bruise on my shoulders but that's about it, I'm just thankful really for Harry Ron and Hermione, if it wasn't for them I don't think I'd be in good shape right now" he shivered as he thought about the pixies again.

"Well I for one don't like lockheart, gives me the creeps, and what was he doing letting those pixies out in front of untrained second years?" George spoke up, shaking his head.

"I completely agree" Fred said back, turning to George and smirking.

"Uh oh" I giggled, already sensing that they had a plan to prank lockheart.

"Let's talk about it before lesson" Fred said to him, continuing to eat their breakfast.


I got up after eating and left the hall and walked into the corridors.

"Goodbye. I'll see you at dinner ok?" I turned around and said to them as they went to their classes.

"Bye y/n!." They called back across the corridor, putting their heads together as they walked and whispered about a prank they are planning to pull on lockheart.

I smiled and turned around to head to my first lesson... potions.


I didn't know what to expect this lesson in potions. I knew Draco wouldn't be enthusiastic seeing as he has to sit next to me all year.

I entered snapes classroom and i saw that Draco was already seated so i sat down next to him quietly because snape was at the front looking in a potions book.

"Hey..." i whispered to Draco.

"Shut up will you, the more you talk to me the slower this lesson will go" he sighed.

"Oh ok." I just sat back and watched snape teach.

I was a bit surprised by Draco as he's been nice to me the last couple of times that I had spoke to him.

I got out my quill and dipped it into some ink and wrote some notes down. Luckily this year for second year students, we aren't allowed to preform potions, we only do partner work to speak about the work or look for the right potion instructions in our text book etc. 

I kinda felt bad for Draco as he has to work with me but i didn't mind much.

This went on for the rest of the year......

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