Part 61

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"That foul evil gargoyle!" Hermione hissed, her and Ron recently walked in the common room while me and Harry were reading some books for studying.

"Jesus mione" I muttered but she ignored me and carried on her rant.

"We're not learning how to defend ourselves, we're not learning how to pass our OWLs. She's taking over the entire school!" She huffed.

"Tell me about it" I said and put my book down, we were listening to the radio.

I sat down on the sofa next to Ron and lay my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Security has been and will remain the ministry's top priority-" Harry leaned back from his chair and turned the radio louder.

"Furthermore, we have convincing evidence, that these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black-"

I tensed up immediately, then we heard the fire speaking.

"Harry, y/n"

I looked down at the fire and got down on the floor to my knees.

"Sirius!" I breathed out.

"What are you doing here?" Harry came and knelt beside me.

"Answering your letter harry, you said you were worried about umbridge-"

Before he Carried on I hissed at Harry.

"You wrote him a letter? Also I'm sure u mean umbitch Sirius."

Sirius sniggered and carried on.

"What's she doing? Training you to kill half breeds?" He asked.

"Sirius she's not letting us use magic at all" Harry pleaded.

This was true, she confiscated my wand the other day just becuase I used a little magic to heat up my tea. But I got it back thanks to Mcgonagall.

"Well I'm not surprised, the latest intelligence is that fudge doesn't want you trained in combat."

"Combat? What does he think? We're forming some sort of wizard army?" Ron spoke.

"That's exactly what he thinks, that Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. The others wouldn't want me telling you this Harry, but things aren't going at all well with the order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move." Sirius nodded.

I gulped and grabbed Ron's arm, fuck. This is becoming more real by the second.

We heard a door click.

"Well what can we do?" Harry leaned forward.

"Someone's coming! I'm sorry I can't be of more help! But for now at least, it looks like your on your own" he sighed and left the fire only leaving one flame behind as it dimmed in the fireplace.

We got up and walked over to the window, I still had a hold of Ron's arm in fear and he began rubbing up and down my arm softly.

"He really is out there isn't he?" Hermione looked out the window which had rain drops running down it.

No one answered. I was to busy thinking, what did Sirius mean by the order isn't doing well? And it's almost certain Voldemort's coming back. Well According to me Harry, Cedric and Dumbledore it is 100%.

"We've got to learn how to defend ourselves. And if umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will" she sighed and turned around, staring at Harry.

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