Part 31

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I got to the second hall and everyone was already seated so I quickly sat in between the twins just as Dumbledore started speaking.

I looked around for Cedric and saw him sat with his hufflepuff friends.

I was keeping an eye on him, still hoping he wasn't going to get picked.

"Sit down please... now the moment you all have been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore said and dimmed the lights extremely dramatic causing me and the twins to stiff out a laugh.

The fire turned red and let out a small piece of paper.

I clutched onto my robe, still nervous.

Dumbledore caught the paper and read it out.

"The Durmstrang champion is..... Viktor krum!"

Everyone cheered for Viktor as he got up to stand where the champions had to go.

The fire turned pink and Dumbledore grabbed it again.

"The champion for Fleur Delacour!"

She got a cheer too.

Now this would be Hogwarts' champion.

I just hopped it was some other random seventh year.

Another piece of paper came flying out and Dumbledore grabbed it again.

My heart was beating faster than it was before and I had a really bad feeling.

"The Hogwarts champion.......  Cedric Diggory!"

Ced stood up and was smiling, everyone was clapping and cheering for him, I didn't know what to do at this point.

He walked towards Fleur and Viktor after shaking hands with Dumbledore.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory..... the triwizard cup!" Dumbledore pointed towards a object with a cloak on it and lifted it off.

It was the cup, it looked amazing.

I heard noises coming from the goblet and could see snape heard it too, everyone looked at the fire as it started going wild...

Dumbledore walked towards it and it turned pink just like it did when it announced the names...

It shot out a piece of paper and he caught it.

"What's goin on?" I whispered to both the twins but they both shrugged.

"Harry Potter...... Harry Potter?" Dumbledore called out.

Everyone looked at Harry and he tried ducking down between Ron and Hermiones legs.

"No, no!!" Hagrid called out.

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore raised his voice and I shook.

"Go on Harry.... Harry for goodness sake!" Hermione whispered and pushed him up standing.

Dumbledore handed Harry the paper with his name on it.

Everyone looked shocked to be honest, including the twins.

Harry walked towards where Cedric and the others were at the front.



People started calling out and whispering about Harry.

Me personally I felt something was off about this, I doubt Harry would place himself in.

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