Part 85

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After we left Hogwarts behind I apparated myself to Sirius and remus' place where they greeted me with open arms and I crawled on the couch in the middle of the two and sobbed for hours on end about everything until I passed out from exhaustion.

Mione went home with intentions of obliviating her muggle parents seeing as more muggles were being killed by the minute, if mine were still alive I'd probably have to do the same thing....

Ron returned to the newly built burrow that wasn't much different, the twins wrote to me asking about my presence and where I was but I told them I would see them soon.

Harry went back to the Dursley's to send them away, as much as he hated them and they hated him he had to send them away for their safety seeing as once we leave on this horcrux mission, that will most likely be the first place death eaters will search.

Speaking of death eaters, Draco I've heard no word from whatsoever, I sent him letter after letter asking if he was ok and all I got back was.

'I'm fine stop sending letters it's dangerous. See you soon'

Which confused me a lot but oh well.

Blaise lettered me once or twice everyday keeping in touch asking how I am and if I'm safe which I was obviously and luckily so was he.


I was sat in the living room with Sirius reading a book as remus marched in.

"Their doing it today, moving harry" he told us and rushed over to the front door where me and Sirius followed him outside like lost puppies.

"What ever do you mean?" Sirius furrowed his brows as remus threw us a broomstick each.

"Moving Harry to the burrow, the Dursley's have left and we have to get him there safely with death eaters around every corner it's hard to do it alone. We've got a plan of poly juice potion, half of us turn into Harry and we fly off as a distraction and meet at the burrow hopefully all safe." He rambled on as we flew into the air following his orders.

Me and Sirius were so confused but I was happy, I got to see my friends again. And apparently bill was back but he's only dating fleur delacour!! Although I was only excited to see bill again not her.

We landed outside the Dursley's house where everyone else was and by everyone I mean literally half the order!

I got engulfed in hugs.

"Hello little one!" I turned to bill who, Fleur stood awkwardly next to him. I didn't care though and ran up and hugged him.

"What about us?? Abandoned us now have you? Appreciate it." The twins crossed their arms and huffed.

"Never ever ever" I shook my head and hugged them both.

I then hugged everyone else until moody grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away, "that's enough we've got work to do" he huffed and let me go.

Hagrid knocked onto the door once Remus and Sirius were up to date with what's going on.

I stayed by the twins side like glue, I missed them a lot.

The door opened slowly and then widened as Harry was stood there.

"Hello Harry!" Hagrid smiled.

I watched as he hugged mione and Ron as we all piled into the house.

Everyone was in the living room that was now crowded, I was a little squished in between the twins.

"Kingsley I thought you were looking after the minister??" Harry asked as he walked inside.

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