Part 71

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The next day was packing time, I never left my dorm, Elora came with the daily prophet while I was packing, the twins were packing in their dorm and Harry went for a chat with Dumbledore.

The rest were packing too. I opened the daily prophet and sat down at my desk I wasn't surprised by the headlines though.

'He's back'
'Minister to resign?'
'Delores Umbridge missing, still being investigated.'   
"Dumbledore Returns to Hogwarts reclaiming headmaster.'
'Dumbledore, potter, diggory and y/ln proven correct.'
"Ministry trashed.'
'Sirius black, proven innocent and is now a free man'

There was a lot of them. It didn't bother me though I was fed up of hearing people say he wasn't back, now it's been proven he was it's going to be non stop talk about it.

The bruise still wasn't fully healed, I just hoped it would over summer.

For the time being I kept my hair down as much as I could. Even though the only people I was seeing were my friends in Gryffindor, I never left the tower.

"Y/n have you packed?" Ron came into my room, I nodded and he took my trunk and put it in the hallway.

"Thanks." I muttered and handed him some left over chicken I had from my breakfast.

"Chicken for breakfast? How are we not twins." He grumbled, eating the chicken. I smirked and shook my head.

"You need to get dressed, we're leaving soon for the carriages." He murmured through the chicken.

"Ok" I nodded and walked into my bathroom and dressed.


When I walked out, Ron, Harry and Hermione were all stood their waiting for me.

"Ready?" Hermione smiled and I nodded, putting my arm out to Elora.
Her cage had already been taken so I walked her out the school.

We walked down towards the carriages, everyone looking at us once in a while.

"Get out, move! Get in a different one." I looked up in front of us and saw draco hissing at crabbe and goyle as they cowered away into another carriage.

"I'll see you guys soon ok?" I muttered and walked past them then to Draco and blaises carriage.

"Come on love" Draco held out his hand and I climbed in and sat next to him.

"I've seen the newspapers are you ok?" He muttered and held my hand.

"I'm fine Draco." I whispered and smiled at Blaise reassuringly, he can Normally see straight through my lies.

"Good" he breathed out and kissed me softly, he moved my hair to the side and stopped, dropping his hand.

"Shit" I muttered and hid it quickly.

"Y/n what's that?" Draco leaned back a bit.

Blaise leaned forward, eyebrows scrunched and he held my hair up.

"Holy fuck" he let go of my hair and sat back down as the carriage moved.

"Did that Happen the other night?" Draco moved my hair again and traced the bruise. I winced and he let go.


"It looks like a hand print y/n" Blaise raised his brow. Nothing getting past this man.

"Who hurt you?" Draco scowled.

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