Part 35

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Me, Harry and Neville all walked out the hall and outside towards the lake.

"So what are you planning on catching?" I had to ask seeing as Neville only stood in the shallow part of the lake while me and Harry sat down under a tree.

"Just going to look at the lake plants and maybe try and fish out some little creatures"

"Ah lovely... this is such a relaxing place..." I shut my eyes and listened to the boys talk and I just rested.

Harry was reading some sort of book of Nevilles and I lay my head on his shoulder to read too.

I shut my eyes again and rested for a while against harry.

"She must be enjoying this." Harry laughed and pointed at me to neville.

"Yeah she's not Been coping that well with everything recently so she needs all the rest she can get I guess, I'm glad she came with us so she could relax for a bit." Neville whispered.

I could hear them both talking but soon fell asleep listening to them muttering.


"Look behind you......" Neville whispered.

"Shit, uh can you hold her?" Harry whispered.

"Sure" Neville got out the lake and replaced Harry's spot so I could still sleep.

I stirred a bit and woke up hearing footsteps behind the tree.

"Neville where's Harry gone?." I got up and walked around the tree to see Ron, Hermione and Ginny in-front of Harry.

I stood next to Harry as Neville went back into the lake, not wanting to get into this.

"Y/n...." Harry turned to see me.

I just stared blankly at Ron as Hermione approached us leaving the two weasleys stood behind her.

"Ronald would like me to tell you, that seamus told him, that dean was told by parvati, that Hagrids looking for you" she said In a mouthful to Harry.

She glanced over at me and looked apologetic.

I just smiled at her and still stared at Ron who was only looking at Harry.

"Is that right? Well.... what?" Harry didn't really get what she meant and neither did I it made no sense.

"Uh umm" she turned around back to Ron and he told her what to say again.

She came back and Ron started looking at me this time not Harry.

I just stared at him not knowing what to do.

"Dean was told by parvati that... please don't ask me to say it again.... Hagrids looking for you" she turned back around to Ron and Ginny.

"Well you can tell Ronald-" Harry started but got cut off by Hermione swinging around.

"I'm not an owl!" She shouted and grabbed Ginny to walk off, Ron kept looking at me and Harry then left too.

I felt bad for Hermione seeing as she shouldn't have to be their little messenger or owl as she would call it.

"Are you ok?" Harry turned to look at me and I just nodded and smiled.

I was all tensed up after that and didn't feel relaxed anymore.

"Guys I'm gonna go back to my dorm, thanks for inviting me here it was lovely." I smiled.

"Your welcome y/n see you around!" Neville waved to me.

Harry hugged me.

"It's gonna be ok I promise you." He whispered in my ear and I smiled back.

I walked back into Hogwarts and I saw students everywhere, most our lessons have been cancelled for the tournament so everyone just did what they wanted really.

I walked to my dorm room, the hallways were too crowded and busy but I knew where to get some peace.

I grabbed Draco blanket, and my books and headed towards the library with the blanket around me and over my head.

I reached the library and walked in, there were only a few students in here and it was lovely and quiet.

"Perfect" I sighed and sat on a bench in the corner wrapped in Draco blanket, I got out my book and started reading, feeling really relaxed and I even ended up going for a nap.

I awoke a couple hours later, the library was empty and I felt a presence behind me... or two of them.....

I slowly turned around and saw Fred and George just.... stood staring at me......


"So you still haven't answered my question... who's.... blanket..... is.... that... and don't say its yours... you like it a bit too much...." Fred stated slowly.

I stood up with the blanket wrapped around me.

"Fine I'll tell you who's it is but at dinner, I'm starving." I huffed.

"Ok well come on then." George turned around and crouched down as Fred grabbed my books.

"What we doing?" I asked getting into George's back.

"Put the blanket over us both, we're gonna imitate a dementor.... to the first years....." George laughed.

"No that's cruel!" I protested.

Fred threw the blanket over the both of us.

"Shush." He said and led me and George to where a group of first years were stood outside the hall.

Students in higher years didn't seem bothered, they knew it was 2 people in a black blanket so they carried on walking.

The group of first years looked at us odd and some started whispering and they started walking into the hall so we followed them in.

Always gotta make an entrance.

We stalked them and threw out our arms imitating a dementor. The first years screamed and screamed and screamed causing all the attention to us.

They ran out the hall and I got off George and just wrapped the blanket around me because I was freezing.

We started laughing and so did the rest of the hall once they all knew it was us.

Some professors just ignored us and Carried on eating but professor mcgonagal went running after the group.

Once we stopped laughing, me and the twins sat down and grabbed some food.

"That was fucking hilarious!" Harry said from across us.

"Thanks!" Fred and George were both very proud of what they achieved.

I just laughed and started eating, looking around the hall.

I noticed Draco was staring at me and smiling looking at the blanket around me. I blushed and carried on eating.

Draco and his friends left before I got the chance to give it back to him so I decided to give it him tomorrow.

"So tell us now..." Fred said.

"Fine... it's Draco's..." I looked down at it and smiled remembering the note and that night.

"Knew it. Give me 4 sickles now!" George put his hand out to Fred and I just stared at them.

"You bet on who's it was.?...." I asked looking at Fred.

"Well.... yeah." He grunted giving George 4 sickles.

"who did you guess?" i asked curiously.

"....Cedric..." he sulked.

I laughed and waited for the two to finish eating so we could head to bed.

I wasn't tired after sleeping twice today but I also didn't want to fuck up my sleeping at night and turn nocturnal.

They finally finished and luckily mcgonagal didn't say a word to us and left us be when we entered the common room.

We got into the twins room and i immediately fell asleep in George's bed.

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