Part 1

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It was a Tuesday morning about 9am, around mid June and i had just finished getting dressed for the day, not even planning to go anywhere except maybe go out and play with some friends later.

I walked downstairs and noticed that my father was fetching the mail from the front door, I smiled at him as i walked past and decided to head straight into the kitchen and greet my mother.

"Good morning!" I spoke to her as my father walks in with the mail, patting me on the top of my head with it.

"Any for me?" I looked up to ask him with hopeful eyes even though I have never once gotten mail before.

"As a matter of fact y/n there is! Here." He looked in the pile that he held and pulled out an envelope, handing it over to me and then drinking the coffee my mother had made for him, kissing her on the cheek as a thank you.

I gasped a little with excitement and inspected the letter, it wasn't your usual white envelope with writing on the front and a post stamp. No. It was a coffee stained colour with very neat Twirly handwriting on the front with my address and... bedroom number?? No post stamp though.

Turning it to the back i noticed it was wax sealed with red wax and it had the word 'Hogwarts' engraved into it with a symbol which I had never seen before... how odd.
I just shrugged and decided to open it.

Dear Miss Y/N Y/LN,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Students will be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival. Please find an enclosed list of all Necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st. To avoid detection by muggles, please use the entrance located at kings cross station downtown London, on platform 9 and 3/4. We look forward to having you at our school.
Yours sincerely
Minerva mcgonagall .


After i read the letter i was utterly confused as I had no idea what this was or what it meant.

"So what did your letter say y/n?" My mother asked me, noticing I was just blankly staring at it open in my hands while she drank her coffee, sitting down next to me.

"Oh nothing just some junk mail" I replied not wanting them to know what i just read, it sounds so ridiculous and is probably a bunch of nonsense anyways.

With little hope though... I ran up to my room with a plate of toast and reread the letter.

That was until i heard a loud constant bang on my front door which shook me a bit.

I went to open the door as it seemed like no one else could hear it and the person kept knocking... well banging.

"Odd" I mumbled walking down the stairs and opening the door, looking back to see my  parents in the kitchen still, not moving an inch.... I turned back towards the door and stepped back to see a man who was well... a giant!

"Ah hello y/n"

"How do you know my name and who are you?" I stepped backwards a little bit more, he looked quiet grubby and I didn't want to keep the door open with him there anymore so i grabbed it to close it, before he spoke again stopping me right in my tracks.

"Well for starters I'm Hagrid, gatekeeper at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and I'm here to take you to get all your equipment and supplies." He replied, seeming very calm and collected.

"Oh um well I don't really have any-" I began looking around as if looking for money but Hagrid caught on quickly, he must have seen people do this before.

"It's ok. You DO have money just not muggle money" he smirked as if we were both thinking the same thing but I clearly was lost.

"Muggle money??" I stood there like a lost puppy so confused and ready to slam the door on his face.

"You don't know do ya?? Well seeing as your muggle born I best get you to diagon alley quick so you can get to know what that letter and Hogwarts is really all about." He smiled and walked in the house, ducking down low then kinda pushing me towards the door.

"What about my parents???" I almost shouted.

"They'll be fine trust me. Dumbledore has sorted it." He spoke.

"Dumbledore.... Who?" I just stared at him.

"Headmaster at hogwarts, now come on, we havnt got all day!" He chuckled.

'Wait' I turned around and shouted to my parents who still didn't even know a giant was in the house.

"Can I go?"

I waited for a reply... none..

'I expect they will be reading the letter Dumbledore gave them' Hagrid pushed me out the door more and shut it.

'Come on, they won't worry about you, that letter has everything they need to know in it' he told me.

I just shrugged and walked with him.

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