Part 72

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The last couple of days I hadn't spoken to anyone, I would stay at the lake all day and through the night just sat thinking and apologising to my parents a lot.

Somehow thinking they could hear me, it was stupid really. I felt pathetic.

Molly made me packed meals with drinks in. She would leave them at the door, seeing as I was never in for meals.

I never ate them not known to her though. I would throw the food into the Forrest that was near the lake, every now and then birds or some deer or other animals will pass by and eat it.

I always wore baggier clothes seeing as I could tell I was getting slimmer. I should be worried but I wasn't I really wasn't, I just felt numb but not numb enough...

luckily for me I knew where the twins hid their alcohol stash, just behind the burrow in a box underneath a flower pot.

I took some a couple hours ago, I was now sat at the lake a bottle in my hand, I was too drunk to lift my hand but I felt good, best I've felt In days, made me relax for once.

I lay down to prevent me from falling or something. I was drinking the stuff none stop since 1pm, it's now 6.

I opened another as I slowly lifted it to my mouth and drank.. I had tear stains on my cheeks but I felt so relaxed.

"Once again I am so sorry, I'm the reason your dead, it should be me instead not you two. I'm so so sorry. I wish you could forgive me...  maybe If I ended it and we were together again? Mmmm I'm so fucking sorry. I'm a disappointment aren't I? Please please forgive me one day. I never meant for this to happen to you two. I never even got to fucking say goodbye. He's a monster. I hope someone kills him, I really do. Otherwise YOU WOULD STILL FUCKING BE HERE!!" I screamed and lay my head down, it was pounding from the drinks and screaming and crying I was doing.

"Let me just slee-"

"Y/N?!" I heard someone scream just as I passed out.


"I just found her like that, I was coming back from a mission with the other aurors and came to see you all after I heard the news from Charlie. She had this in her hand also with a large box of it next to her. Has she been eating? She's light as a feather and slimming down."

I heard muffed voices as my consciousness soon came back.

"Cedric?" I opened my eyes slightly, lifting my head that I just shot straight back down.

"Mmff" I groaned and held my head.

"Throw it away." Molly muttered then came to my side on the couch.

"My dear have you been eating the food I was giving you?" She stroked my hair back, tears fell from my eyes once more.

I shook my head lightly, "I'm so sorry." I whispered and let out a sob.

"No no no it's ok. It's ok shh... your burning up, I'll get you a cold cloth." She smiled and stood back up, walking into the kitchen.

"Y/n how did you get a hold of... well you know what I mean." Cedric sat in front of me and looked down at me.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him and cried more, he lent forward and wiped my tears.

"Hey it's ok, I'm just worried is all." He whispered. Molly came back, shoving him out of the way, she placed a wet cold cloth on my forehead and wiped my face dry of tears.

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