Part 34

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I woke up a couple hours later, it must be around 5am or earlier, I looked down to see a blanket wrapped around me and a note next to me where Draco was recently.

Trying not to get caught by someone, I grabbed the blanket tightly around me and the note then headed to my dorm, I wasn't gonna go to sleep I already had my sleep, I just hoped Draco was ok and got some sleep he seemed just as exhausted as i was.

I managed to get past some professors and the fat lady without being seen or screamed at.

I headed straight up to my dorm and lay down on my bed and brought the blanket up to cover my face as I was cold.

The blanket smelt of Draco and his dorm room and it was a comforting smell, it must be his.

I smiled and opened the letter that was signed.


I'm sorry I had to leave. I had a good couple hours sleep thanks to you.
You looked too peaceful for me to wake you so I left this note and a blanket of mine, return it whenever you like.

Thanks for the comfort last night....see you soon.

DM xx

I smiled into the note and fell back onto my bed covered in his blanket, it was black and fluffy and I loved it.

Someone started pounding on my door and I shook, I got up but before I got towards the door, it burst open.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! YOU WERNT IN MY BED OR FREDS!" George comes running over and picks me up and I started laughing.

"It's not funny, where have you been?" He sounded concerned.

"Nowhere i-I went for a walk last night I couldn't get to sleep and I've only just got back I'm sorry." I hugged him tightly.


"Yup?" I looked up and saw him glancing down at the blanket wrapped around me.

"That's not yours, or mine, or Fred's...... who's is it?" He widened his eyes.

"it is mine! you musnt have noticed it, ive been keeping it at the bottom of my trunk because i dont use it often." i made up some bullshit excuse.


He smiled and nodded his head.

"Where's fre-"

Before I could finish my question another red head flew into my room and picked me up, nearly knocking the wind outta me.

"FRED! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!" I hit his shoulder as he put me down and he pulled me into a hug.

"Where have you been? Who's blanket is that... it's not yours or ours and also we need to tell u what happened with Ron yesterday." He quickly spat out and lost his breath.

"Well-" I got interrupted by someone again but they were stood in my open door way.....

"Can you shut up? It's too early for your bullshit..." Ron grunted and started walking away.

Fred started turning around to say something but I grabbed his arm and didn't realise George left already without me trying to stop him so I let Fred go too and he ran out.

I followed them quickly and ran to the common room where they all went.

"What do you mean by that huh?." George grabbed Ron's arm to face him.

"You better had be talking about us there not y/n or god help your soul I'll tell mum you threw away her jumper she made you" Fred said making sure the last part was a joke but he was deadly serious about my part.

"I never threw away a jumper, you're just lying and I was talking to you two... Why would I talk to her?.." He spat, putting emphasis on the last part. He didn't even say my name, I was hid behind the wall, the twins knew I was there.

"Stop being so pathetic Ronald, your giving her a worse treatment than Harry and all she's doing is supporting him.... stop being childish and grow up, she loves you and I'm sure deep down you do love her too..." George turned around and walked towards me who was still stood behind the wall in shock.

Tears fell As my eyes met George's and he immediately hugged me tightly.

"It's ok he'll come around soon, if he carries on he's gonna have to deal with us." He whispered.

"He didn't even say my name George...." I cried into his chest and he picked me up and brought me too my room, I had no idea where or what Fred was doing......

"Right get dressed, and I'll wait for you outside for breakfast ok?" He wiped my tears and left shutting my door.

I sniffed and dropped Draco's blanket, I will give it to him soon just not yet....

I got into my uniform and did my hair and a tiny bit of makeup...

I opened my door and was met with the both of them.

"Hey she's out. Cmon let's go!" Fred turned around and crouched down, telling me to get onto his back.

I giggled and jumped up onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"To breakfast!" I shouted and started laughing as we were running down the hallways and George was holding my lower back with his hand in case I slipped.

We got into the hall and People started to stare at us and we just burst out laughing.

Snape death glared me and I hid my face into George's arm as we went to sit down.

"What was that?" Hermione raised a brow and started laughing.

"Nothing, just wanna get this one in a cheery mood for once today.." Fred nudged me and I smiled.

Ron was sat next to hermione and he pulled at her arm and she got up with him awkwardly.

I stared at Ron and felt like just running into his arms, I'd do anything to get my friend and food buddy back....

They both walked off and the twins eyes were burning into Ron's back.

I elbowed them both and we started eating.

I glanced over to the slytherin table and didn't see Draco there which was odd, all his friends were there....

I just made sure to remind myself to go see him later or something to give him back his blanket and say thank you.

Harry and Neville entered the hall and stood next to me. I turned around and faced them.

"Hey y/n wanna come chill at the lake? Nevilles gonna fish and I've got nothing else to do for our free period." Harry shrugged.

"Sure! Is that ok? Or u both got planned something to do to cheer me up?" I laughed and asked the twins.

"We were planning on being with u most the day but it would be nice for you to chill out for a while and not think about anything." Fred said.

George agreed.

"Ok only if your both sure then." I got up by leaning on their heads and walked out with Harry and Neville.

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