Part 75

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Y/n's pov:
I remember being passed to draco last night, and holding him tight in bed, I thought it was a dream until I woke up this morning in his bed. He wasn't here though.....

"Y/n?" A knock came from the door.

 I got up and opened it and there stood Blaise.

"Hey" I muttered.

"Coming to the hall?" He asked and I nodded softly.

 I looked back at Draco's room before I left with Blaise.

"Mr zabini and miss y/ln here are your timetables, you don't have long to eat so hurry up." Mcgonagall passed us both our timetables as we walked in, we had all lessons together.

"See you then squirt." Blaise smirked and walked over to the slytherin table where Draco was, he didn't look up at me, instead he looked up at Blaise and spoke to him as he seated next to him.

I went to sit next to dean and Neville this morning. I was still pissed off with Harry.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Morning." Dean spoke with his mouth full and i sniggered.

"Hello" Neville looked up from a plant book. I smiled and looked next to Dean.

"Hey can I write a letter?" I pointed to the quill and parchment next to him.

"Sure" he shrugged and passed it to me.

Dear Sirius,

So this years not gone to the best and it's the only the first day back. Me and Harry aren't talking for starters, he wasn't watching what he was saying and said something about at least Draco malfoy has a father. Which as you could imagine didn't go down well with me. Everyone's sorry for me and I'm sick of hearing it. I miss you and Remus and all the others back at the burrow. Cedric's here on auror duty not sure if you heard already so that's good I guess. Draco and I are on a break and I have no idea why, he didn't explain it to me. I sound fine I know but I guess I'm just ignoring it all Yano? Tell everyone I miss them and I'd love to hear from them.

I love and miss you a lot. I hope to be home ASAP. Well wherever my home is now....

Y/n x

"Thanks" I passed the quill back to dean and passed the letter to one of the school owls perched on the table and watched as it flew off with the note in claw.

"Come on you lot off to your first lessons!" Mcgonagall was ushering us outside. I walked out and into the busy corridor.

I had potions first with the new Professor. I wasn't sure who else was going to be there except from Blaise.

I rushed to the potions room and slughorn told us to grab a book. I looked to the front where people were chatting.

"Hey mione." I smiled softly and stood next to her.

 "Hey y/n what's wrong?" She looked at me odd.

"Nothing, Later." I muttered and looked around to catch Draco staring at me, he quickly looked away. 

Great he's in this class.


Slughorn had us all gathered around a table with three cauldrons on with different potions in, he was about to explain each of them until two people walked in, I looked around his shoulder behind him and in came Harry and Ron....

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