Part 33

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Me and the twins sat down opposite the golden trio, I gave Ron a few glances but he wouldn't even look at me nor Harry who was sat on the other side of Hermione.

"I'm gonna head back I'll see you both later." I held the twins shoulders as I got up and they both silently nodded.

"If you speak to him don't go harsh please." I whispered to them.

They nodded again and carried on eating.

I left the hall and headed straight to the twins room, I was too tired to deal with it all right now and I had to make sure I had enough sleep to be awake at 1.

I walked into the twins room and immediately fell asleep on George's bed.

I woke up later to a quiet knock on the door, luckily the twins were asleep and didn't hear it.


"Hey Harry" I turned around and gave another look at the twins to make sure that they were fully asleep and then I headed down with Harry to the common room.

"Sirius" Harry whispered.

I looked around for any sight of him and Harry walked over to a chair and saw the daily prophet and picked it up.

I leant over his shoulder and read it.

Rita wrote that Harry was 12 which he was 14, talked about suspicious entry in the tournament and more lies. 

Harry scrunched it up and threw it into the fireplace.

"What a bitch." I whispered and shook my head.

The fireplace started making weird sounds, me and Harry gathered around it.

Out popped a Sirius face in the fire.

"Woahhh" I thought it looked cool.

"Sirius.... how?" Harry began but Sirius quickly interrupted him.

"Guys I don't have much time, so let me get straight to it.... Harry, did you or did you not put your name into the goblet of fire?" He asked.

"No!" Harry protested.

"Shush" me and Sirius both told him, Fred was such a light sleeper I was scared if he heard but no one came down.

"I had to ask, now tell me about this dream of yours..."

"Harry what dream?..." he never told me about a dream.

"You mentioned wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room?"

"I dunno" Harry sounded a bit clueless.

"You didn't hear a name?.." Sirius tried asking him and Harry was thinking hard.

"No um.. Voldemort was giving him a job to do, something important...."

"And what was that?"

"He wanted..... me" Harry looked at me then back at Sirius.

I was taken aback by this but I was always going to be there for Harry no matter what.

"I dunno why but he was going to use this man to get to me.... I mean it was only a dream right...?" He seemed to get more nervous which set my nerves.

"Yes it was just a dream, look Harry the death eaters at the World Cup, your name rising from that goblet is not just coincidences, Hogwarts isn't safe anymore.."

"What? What do you mean?" I was starting to get worried and felt a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm saying the devils are inside the walls, igor karkaroff? He was a death eater.. and no one, no one stops being a death eater, then there's Barty crouch, heart of stone sent his own son to Azkaban"

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