Part 4

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Me, Harry, and Ron started to leave the red train individually and regroup with everyone else getting off the train.

We see Hagrid standing ahead of all the other children with a lamp in one hand rushing everyone to get to him.

"Hey Hagrid!"
"Hey Hagrid!." 
Me and Harry both shout as all the other children, including Ron stared at Hagrid.

" right cmon now you lot we best be going. The feast will begin soon."
Hagrid shouts over as we all got onto these small row boats and headed across the water to the huge castle in the distance.

It truly was magical.


Me, Harry and Ron were all at the front of the queue when Hagrid leads us all to a large door in a corridor of the castle, then bidding us all goodbye, handing us over to a 'professor mcgonagall' , saying he had some 'important business' to attend to.

"Ok children can all first years wait on these stairs while I make sure everyone in the great hall is ready for you." She says while leaving through large doors.

"So it's true then. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." I hear a voice Behind me say.

Me, Harry and Ron all turn around to see the same blonde boy i saw earlier, only this time he had two larger scary friends beside him making him look that more intimidating.

" um" Harry didn't know what to reply.

"Well I'm Malfoy, Draco malfoy." He said, swerving his way in front of us three.

"How rude can you get?" I muttered toward ron, he tried covering his mouth to hide his laugh.

"Nice to meet you Draco" i spoke politely, straightening my back and almost imitating him.

Ron couldn't stop giggling at the way Draco introduced himself.

"Think my names funny do you?" He says in rage and giving Ron a death stare, glaring at him.

" No Need to ask yours? Red hair.. and a hand me down robe.. you must be a weasley!." He spits towards Ron, looking at him in disgust as if he were dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

Me and Harry stand there staring at him in shock as Ron pulls a guilty face, before Draco then hands out his hand saying to Harry that  Malfoy can help him in finding the good sorts of magical family's.

Then Harry told him he can find the right sort for his own.

Malfoys friends laugh but quickly stop when mcgonagall pushes Draco to the side as she comes back.

"May all first years follow me, prefects you can sit down at your houses. The sorting ceremony will begin now."


As we all enter the great hall, all the other years are sat down at their coloured houses and staring as all us first years walking to the front of the hall heading towards where all the professors sat.

I take a look around at the huge hall with all the house flags and colours everywhere, the candles hanging from the enchanted ceiling, it was beautiful.

"Welcome all first years. I am professor dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts. Here is professor snape, head of slytherin house and teacher of potions. Next is professor quirrell, the defence against the arts teacher. Then madam hooch, the Hogwarts flying instructor for quidditch. Professor flitwick, head of ravenclaw and teacher in charms class. Professor sprout, herbology teacher and head of hufflepuff house. Professor mcgonagall, head of gryffindor house and transfiguration teacher. Now all introductions are over with. Before we start the ceremony, mr filch, the caretaker Would like me to remind everyone that the third floor on the right hand side corridor is forbidden to all students.'


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