Part 11

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"Y/N!"  I hear my mum shout me from down stairs, I had just woke up, rubbing my eyes and stretching to shout back down.

"Yeah?" I asked while heading downstairs in my pjs and my hair messily tied back.

I greet my mother and father good morning.

"Your going to be leaving in a couple hours remember? It's your second year at hogwarts!" My father said to me excitedly.

I sat down next to him on the dining table while my mother handed me my breakfast.

"Could we come with you? You know, to see you go?" My mother asked as she seated herself opposite me and my father.

"Sure, you're more than welcome to come to the platform. Don't worry about all the others, some parents who go to the platform to say goodbye are muggles too." I said, reassuring them.

"Anyways I want you to meet the Weasley family when we get there." I added and they both nodded.


After i had some breakfast, i headed upstairs to get dressed just into leggings and a hoodie and some trainers.

I put my hair down and brushed it a little before tying it back up more neatly.

I ran downstairs with Elora in her cage eating some fresh food i gave her for the train journey.

My father had already put my trunk and other bags in the boot of the car.

Once i made sure that I had everything, and checking the time to make sure i wasn't going to be late, we all get into the car and drive to kings cross station.


Once we arrived it was getting busy already so i grabbed my parents hands and my trolley with all my luggage and Elora tied on, then ran into the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"Woah" both of them said in awe.

I looked around until i saw a group of redheads.

I ran towards the twins leaving my trolley and my parents.

They both had their arms out and i ran into them.

They squeezed me tightly.

"I missed you both." I say laughing at them.

"We missed you too!" They said in union.

"Y/n dear! It's so good to see you!" I see molly behind them and embrace her with a hug.

"It's good to see you too!" I said back before going to get my parents and my trolley.

My parents greeted the Weasleys and seemed to like the twins which was good on my behalf as they are my friends after all.

I see Ron, Hermione and Harry in the distance and wave to them as they enter the train.

"I'll see you soon and I'll write to you!" I say to my parents.

They looked sad but happy to see me happy so they waved goodbye and i boarded the train with the twins, waving goodbye to Molly.

She looked sad as all of her children were leaving this year seeing as Ginny was coming for her first hear at Hogwarts and she's the youngest Weasley.


It was a couple of hours later and i was still on the train in a compartment with the twins.

I yawned because i didn't get much sleep that night, i was just too excited to start my second year and meet up with my friends again.

I was sat next to Fred with George opposite us both.

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