Part 40

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I headed down to the quidditch field in the rain.

The Hufflepuffs were celebrating there.

I went to see Cedric to congratulate him but I didn't realise it was raining until I stepped outside.

Perfect weather for my mood right now....

I trudged down there, stepping in the wet mud. I got to the field and they were blasting music.... didn't realise Hufflepuffs could party like this.

I quickly tried finding Cedric through the crowd.

I found him in a group, talking about the dragon he went against.

I stood there for a couple seconds deciding if I should leave him or not but he spotted me and excused himself from the group and approached me.

"Hey, wanna go under the shelter?" He pointed towards some shelter and I nodded my head quickly, it was getting really cold.

"What's up?.."

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"You ok??" He looked down at me and I just nodded.

"I'm just glad your alive ced... you could have died" I whispered but he heard.

He held me tighter and whispered into my ear.

"I'm right here ok? I'm fine... stop worrying y/n it's stressing you out...." he sighed.

"I know I know" I nodded and got out the hug.

"Listen I've got to go but see me soon ok? and stop worrying please...." he looked at me sadly and I nodded and smiled before we both walked off.

I walked back up to the castle and didn't want to go in just yet... Ron clearly wanted to speak to me but I'm not sure if I'm ready... what if it's something bad?? What if it's......

That's when I spotted Draco sat down under a canopy on a bench with his blanket he gave me wrapped around him.... he was looking at me directly.

As soon as he saw me get closer, he got up and walked towards me... I hadn't seen him or spoken to him since I thought he and pansy were dating....

I stayed silent not knowing what to say...just listening to the rain around us... he didn't say anything either... he wrapped the blanket around me as well as him and walked me over to the bench quietly.

We sat in silence for a while and I decided to break it..

"Listen Draco...I'm sorry for what happened the other day I thought....."

"Me and pansy were a thing?.... yeah Blaise told me y/n and no we're not...." he finished off my sentence....

I looked up at him in shock but also relief.

"So what's wrong?? You haven't been yourself y/n I've noticed..." he looked really sad and concerned.

"It's nothing.... well.. the stress of the tournament... Ron ignoring me and all of a sudden wanting to speak to me... everything..." I teared up and sniffled....

Draco wrapped an arm around me.

"you know I'm always here?? I know I'm not the nicest to your friends or such but I care about you a lot...I'm not sure why, you just mean a lot...ok?..." he whispered and tears fell down my cheeks.

He cares about me.....

"Come here." He pulled me in and my face hit his chest immediately and I grabbed onto him and let it all out... he didn't mind he just comforted me.

"Draco I'm a mess" I cried out.

" your not y/n if anything your strong and brave." He whispered and rubbed my back while he held me.

I soon fell asleep on dracos chest with tears resting on my cheeks.

Dracos pov

She fell asleep after she cried for a while.. I felt really fucking bad for her, she was in a lot.

I stayed for a while with her on my chest and it was getting really late.

The rain poured heavier and I was scared it would wake her.

I knew she never liked sleeping alone so I knew I couldn't leave her but at the same time I couldn't put her into the weaslebee twins room.

Someone will bash me for being in there....

I heard the Hufflepuffs come up from their party for Cedric and I had to move her and me before someone or Cedric saw us.

I picked her up and wrapped the blanket around her.

I headed to the slytherin common room quietly and hid her head in the blanket in case anyone saw who it was I held...

Instead I saw blaise on the couch and I forgot he was going to wait for me to come back... I bet he wasn't expecting this.

"Is that.." he got up and looked at who it was under the blanket.

He smirked at me.

"Shut up zabini.."

I pushed passed him and went to my dorm. I placed her on my bed carefully, not to wake her and kissed her forehead.

"One day... one day I'll tell you what I've kept in for so long.. I feel like it's too quick.. like we don't know each other enough.. we're in Different houses so we don't really see each other... but y/n... never mind..." I whispered to her knowing she was fully asleep.

I sighed and climbed in next to her but made sure I was a good distance from her.

I soon fell asleep to her slow breathing and the rain hitting my windows.

Blaises POV

I heard the Slytherin door open and I saw Draco with a body in his arms, wrapped up. First I sorta thought it was someone dead.

I soon remembered who he went to see and I peeked Under the blanket and saw her.. sleeping.

I smirked at Draco.

He shrugged me off and went upstairs with her.

I was happy. They both told me they liked each other but I never told them they both like each other.

I felt bad keeping it from each of them but they will soon be together I can feel it....

After a while I walked quietly into Draco room.

I opened the door slightly and saw them both asleep.

Y/n had moved out the blanket and was holding onto Draco's torso. By the looks of Draco's body, that's not how they went to sleep.

I took a quick picture using a old muggle camera and I quietly shut the door and left them alone.

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