Chapter 44

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Chapter 44









We went to her funeral three days ago and I flipped out. She had a closed casket, that’s how bad it was. I can’t believe LaMaya would do that to herself. Guess who didn’t show up?


Yep, I wanted to go find him and kill his stupid ass because it’s all his fault the reason she isn’t here anymore. I left Georgia yesterday because I stayed with her parents who didn’t even want to think about it and I don’t blame them. I had to get out of that place because the shit hurt too much for me. I don’t know how to deal with deaths of someone close to me.

I haven’t eaten anything in four days straight. Nothing at all, I can eat or drink. I haven’t even slept. I stay up every night asking myself why?

Why didn’t she tell me she was feeling this way?

I would have been there for her like I always am.

My bestfriend is gone.

“Baby you have to get out this bed and go eat and see the sun or something. I don’t know what to tell Alyssa cause she worried about you.” Ezra said.

I didn’t even respond to him, I just covered my face up with the covers and closed my eyes. I was all cried out. I couldn’t even cry anymore because the first three days from sun up to sun down that’s all I did.

“Bella please, this whole situation is depressing to me too because I loved LaMaya but damn don’t push me and Alyssa away because you’re starting to scare me. I can’t get you to eat anything and you stay up all night like a vampire. I’m sorry you lost your bestfriend but don’t be like this.” Ezra said.

“You have no idea what I’m going through right now, nobody does.” I said with no emotion.

“I know how you’re feeling because I feel the same way too. All of us do, even Brea and she hadn’t even Lala for that long.” He said.

“Just leave me alone please.” I said.

“Can you eat something? I don’t want you to get sick.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“You’ve said that four days in a row. You have to eat something.”

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