Chapter 52

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Chapter 52













I still can't believe what King and Ezra did to Brea. I don't even understand why he was in the middle of what they had going on. She came to me crying and everything and I totally understand how she feels. They need to calm down with all that shit. Anyways it had been about week since that all happened and we were in our condo finally. Everything was perfect and I loved it so much. It's gonna be our home until further notice.







[ December; 7 days until Christmas ]




It was a Friday afternoon and I had just picked Alyssa up from school and we went home. I'm so tired and I'm nowhere near finished shopping for gifts. I haven't had a break. I went into our kitchen and looked through the cabinets to figure out what I was gonna cook for dinner tonight. Alyssa sat down at the table looking sad.

"Alley, what's wrong?" I said walking over to her.

She just stared at me not saying anything. I sighed and grabbed her hands.

"Talk to Mommy." I said to her.

"Dad don't like me anymore." she said as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock. That broke my heart to pieces. I don't even know what to say.

"Alyssa Dad loves you so much, he's just...uh been busy." I said not believing that myself.

"He won't call mommy." she said.

He hasn't attempted to call me or her since that incident with Brea, he said he was going on tour and we haven't heard anything from him. It's basically been a month and the shit is pissing me off. What the hell am I supposed to tell her? She misses his ass and he don't even care.

"Alley, he's gonna call. Go lay down in my bed and take a nap. I promise he's going to call you sweetie. Daddy is just busy but he's gonna call." I said.

"I'm is not tired mommy." she said.

"You want to finish making your Christmas list for Santa?" I said trying to lighten the mood.

She shook her head no then went and laid down on the couch. I'm gonna kill his ass, I can't believe he did this shit to her.

I went into my purse and found my phone and dialed his number. It just rang and rang before it finally went to voicemail. I just don't know what to do, she's crying herself to sleep. She isn't even excited about Christmas. It's just not normal for a 4 year old.

I'm gonna go ahead and start dinner so she can just eat and go to sleep. I decided to cook mac n' cheese, sweet corn, baked chicken, and mash potatoes with gravy. I don't know where Brea is but she usually get home at about 8:30 or 9 pm so the food should be done by the time she gets here.

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